Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 15-22.

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“To Inner Conscience” is the “New Three Programs” of Renxue (Confucian Humanism) --From a Pointview of Historical Semiotics and Historical Hermeneutics

LI Youzheng(USA)   

  • Received:2021-11-09 Online:2022-01-18 Published:2022-01-22

“致良知”为仁学伦理实践学之“新三纲” ——从历史符号学-解释学角度解析


  • 作者简介:李幼蒸,男,旅美独立学者,原国际符号学学会副会长、中国社科院世界文明研究中心特邀研究员。

Abstract: WANG Yangmings intellectual/scholarly practices can be divided into two major sections: moral enlightening activities and ethical speculation. The former refers to his popular preaching to the general public (starting from his staying in Guizhou minority area), the latter to his teaching about “mind learning” with disciples; the nature of the former is similar to the “missionary activity”, and the nature of the latter belongs to the theoretical inquiry. The two types of activities overlap each other, and both use the principle of “inner conscience” as a unified slogan. “To inner conscience” is then equivalent to another “three programs of mind learning” in the practice of promoting and enhancing the “ethics of learning” of Confucian benevolence. Viewed from combining WANG Yangmings “reflection on great learning” and “to inner conscience”, his mentalist practice of “mind learning” also includes two steps through its “threeprogram rhetoric”: that is, the mentalist transformation of the “threeprograms of great learning”(on the textual revision of great learning) and the mentalist transformation of “three programs of mind learning” (to inner conscience).

Key words: “to inner conscience”, ethical pragmatics of Renxue (Confucian humanism), “new three programs”

摘要: 王阳明一生学行,在讲学方面可分为道德学传播与伦理学思辨两大片。前者为面对一般民众的通俗性宣讲(始自贵州处夷时期),后者为与弟子学友的“理论性”深思;前者的性质类似“传教”,后者的性质属于探究学理。两类活动交互叠合,均以“良知学”为统一的标榜。“致良知”遂相当于在推广与提升仁学之“学的伦理学”实践中之另一“心学三纲领”。如果将阳明学的大学辨与良知学结合起来看,阳明学的“心学化”实践也通过其“三纲领修辞术”包含着两步骤,即“大学三纲领”之心学化(大学改本)与“心学三纲领”之心学化(致良知)。

关键词: “致良知”, 仁学伦理实践学, “新三纲”