
Table of Content

    18 January 2022, Volume 22 Issue 1
    Study of XI Jinpings Important Exposition on Resisting Natural Disasters
    TANG Qianjing, SUN Tingting
    2022, 22(1):  1-6. 
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    Since the eighteenth Party Congress, general secretary XI Jinping has made important discussions on combating natural disasters from the three dimensions of theory, history and reality.Its core meaning includes harmony between man and nature, putting the safety of peoples lives in the first place, insisting that the leadership of the party is a fundamental guarantee, striving to raise the level of modernization against natural disasters, and vigorously carrying forward the spirit of earthquake relief. It has the characteristics of being popular, realistic, cosmopolitan and integrated. In the future, we need to strengthen publicity and education, promote the modernization of the natural disaster prevention work system, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, and make up for existing shortcomings.
    Research on the Status Quo and Protective Measures of “Two Ways” Spiritual Carrier
    HE Hong1, ZHOU Xiaoqiong2
    2022, 22(1):  7-14. 
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    The spirit of “Two Ways” (QinghaiTibet Highway & SichuanTibet Highway) occurred in the 1950s but its material carrier is one of the red resources for Chinese spiritual inheritance for its great significance to the inheritance of revolutionary spirit. Nevertheless, the status quo of its material carrier shows less optimistic——in danger of disappearing; the inheritance of the spirit is limited in the paper rather than in reality. There are less research theses on the material carrier and protective measures. Therefore, the research on the spirit of “Two Ways” from the status quo of material carrier and protective measures has significant meanings.
    “To Inner Conscience” is the “New Three Programs” of Renxue (Confucian Humanism) --From a Pointview of Historical Semiotics and Historical Hermeneutics
    LI Youzheng(USA)
    2022, 22(1):  15-22. 
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    WANG Yangmings intellectual/scholarly practices can be divided into two major sections: moral enlightening activities and ethical speculation. The former refers to his popular preaching to the general public (starting from his staying in Guizhou minority area), the latter to his teaching about “mind learning” with disciples; the nature of the former is similar to the “missionary activity”, and the nature of the latter belongs to the theoretical inquiry. The two types of activities overlap each other, and both use the principle of “inner conscience” as a unified slogan. “To inner conscience” is then equivalent to another “three programs of mind learning” in the practice of promoting and enhancing the “ethics of learning” of Confucian benevolence. Viewed from combining WANG Yangmings “reflection on great learning” and “to inner conscience”, his mentalist practice of “mind learning” also includes two steps through its “threeprogram rhetoric”: that is, the mentalist transformation of the “threeprograms of great learning”(on the textual revision of great learning) and the mentalist transformation of “three programs of mind learning” (to inner conscience).
    Dependence and Autonomy: Reunderstanding of YAN Yangchus Civilian Education Thought
    GAO Shiwei1, LIU Jinzhu2
    2022, 22(1):  23-28. 
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    YAN Yangchu was a famous reformism educator during the Republic of China. He hoped to revitalize China through civilian education.YAN Yangchu recognized the national conditions and established the civilian education association as the backbone team of social transformation on the premise of relying on the government and winning the support of the gentry. YAN Yangchu combined the civilian education with modern politics, social practice and the needs of the people, and actively promoted his own civilian education thoughts. However, when there was a conflict between the church, the government and the gentry, the civilian education association chose to escape. Reformists, represented by YAN Yangchu, did not realize that imperialism and feudalism were the root causes of Chinas problems, which ultimately led to the failure of the civilian education movement.
    YANG Dongchuns Contribution to the Spread of Marxism During the AntiJapanese War and Its Revelations --Taking Spreading Among Young Students in Guangxi
    XIA Jinling, ZHANG Hong
    2022, 22(1):  29-35. 
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    During the AntiJapanese War, YANG Dongchun spread Marxism among young students, taking Guangxi Provincial Normal College and Guangxi Local Construction Cadre School as the position successively. He boldly recruited progressive teachers to provide the faculty of spreading Marxism, adopted flexible teaching mode to arouse the enthusiasm of the students to study Marxism, and paid attention to the combination of theory and practice to enhance the effectiveness of the dissemination of Marxism as soon as possible. YANG Dongchun has made an important contribution to training revolutionary youth and guiding young students to take the revolutionary road and his measures provide useful references for the effective dissemination of contemporary Chinese Marxism among young students.
    Research on the Construction Path of Railway Culture in the New Era
    QIU Tiexin
    2022, 22(1):  36-43. 
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    Chinas railway should focus on strengthening the construction of railway culture to enhance the soft power of railway and promote the modernization of railway in the historical opportunity period proposed by the strategic goal of “transportation power” in the new era. The principles of strengthening railway culture construction in the new era include: adhering to the nature of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, the guidance of socialist core values, and the purpose of “peoples railway for the people”. Under the guidance of this principle, through the construction of the alarm bell of the safety culture, peopleoriented service culture, inclusive advanced industry culture, and the management culture of justice and benefit, so as to create a new splender of railway culture construction and firm cultural confidence in the new era.
    Analysis on the Influence of Highspeed Railway on Urbanization Spatial Structure of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
    OU Guoli, WANG Wenli
    2022, 22(1):  44-53. 
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    Data from 2001 to 2018 are selected to measure the urbanization of the Yangtze River delta urban agglomeration. And the impact of the opening of highspeed rail on urbanization is analyzed by using the primacy degree and timevarying DID model, and the influencing mechanism is tested by the mesomeric effect model. The results show that the first degree of urbanization in the Yangtze River delta accords with the law of “orderscale”. And the opening of highspeed rail has an impact on the first degree of urbanization; After the opening of highspeed railway, the spatial structure of regional urbanization changed to multicenter, showing a decreasing trend from the east to the west, with significant differences between coastal and inland cities. The opening of highspeed rail has a negative effect on the spatial structure of urbanization in urban agglomeration, especially in the third and the fourth tier cities; Mesomeric effect shows that industrial structure upgrading is beneficial to the upgrading of urbanization spatial structure, and the opening of highspeed railway mainly hinders the upgrading of urbanization spatial structure by restraining industrial structure upgrading.
    Study on Traffic Organization Strategy of Underground Vehicle System in CBD
    ZHANG Xiaoxiao, LIU Weifeng, KOU Liming
    2022, 22(1):  54-59. 
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    Based on the study of the characteristics of the traffic organization of the underground vehicle system in CBD, this paper puts forward the general process and the main decisionmaking factors to determine the organizational form of the underground vehicle system. Combined with the planning and design case of Chongqing two river international business center, the paper puts forward the organizational form of linear doublelayer service underground vehicle system, which can be used as a reference for similar planning projects.
    Establishment of Traffic Management Facilities for Bus Lanes Based on VehicleRoad Coordination
    CHEN Wei
    2022, 22(1):  60-65. 
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    With the continuous acceleration of urban modernization, the number of urban motor vehicles has also increased, and the problem of traffic congestion has become increasingly prominent.Various cities have also adopted “transit priority” as one of the strategies to alleviate traffic congestion. With the continuous development of urban intelligence, how to truly realize the “transit priority” strategy still faces many challenges.To vigorously promote the construction of bus lanes and effectively improve the service level of bus lanes is of great significance to alleviate the huge pressure caused by traffic congestion. This article will discuss how to build an intelligent bus lane system based on the environment of vehicleroad coordination.
    The Impact of Host Countrys AntiCorruption Efforts on Chinas OFDI --Taking 35 Countries in Africa
    YAN Shiling1,2, YUAN Qigang2, GAO Chen3
    2022, 22(1):  66-74. 
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    Taking Africa, this paper uses the FGLS model to empirically test the impact of the host countrys anticorruption efforts on Chinas OFDI based on the data of Chinese companies outward direct investment in non35 countries from 2007 to 2019. It is found that the diversified investment motives of companies have led to differences in the dependence of Chinese companies on anticorruption efforts in Africa. Marketseeking OFDI prefers countries with strong anticorruption efforts, while resourceseeking OFDI prefers countries with poor anticorruption efforts; The anticorruption distance has a significant positive impact on Chinese companies investment in Africa, that is, the longer the anticorruption distance between the home country and the host country, the more beneficial the OFDI of Chinese companies. Therefore, when Chinese companies make crossborder investments, they should weigh the expected return on investment and the host countrys system risk loss, strengthen the awareness of investment risk prevention, and further promote the sustainable development of Chinese companies foreign direct investment.
    Study on Factors Influencing Customer Favorable Rating of Chain Express Hotels --Based on the Network Data of Five Budget Brands
    MA Zunping1, XIE Zedong1,2, WANG Hong1
    2022, 22(1):  75-83. 
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    Express hotels, often appearing in chains, are a primary supplier in the lodging market. As an indicator of internet word of mouth that reflects the degree of customer satisfaction, customers favorable rate significantly influences product sales, product strategy, and market competition of enterprises. Therefore, based on the assumption of factors affecting customers favorable rate and the sample data of 2582 chain hotels of 5 brands that was obtained from ctrip.com, a multiple regression model was built in this paper to test the assumption through permutation testing and crossvalidation. The results show that room prices have no effect on customers favorable rate, while positive impression on hotel facilities, services, and hygiene, as well as proximity to the city center contribute to a higher customers favorable rate. In addition, the greater the total number of comments, the higher customers favorable rate. The brand factor also has a significant effect on the customers favorable rate. This paper also discusses the implications of the above conclusions for the operation and management of express hotels and the direction of future research.
    Analysis of the Metaphorical Meaning of Color Words in Milan Kunderas Novels
    ZHAO Qian
    2022, 22(1):  84-89. 
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    In Milan Kunderas novels, color words contain rich metaphorical meaning. They play an active role in highlighting atmosphere, expressing emotions, creating environment, mapping psychology, revealing personality, and highlighting themes. Generally speaking, the metaphorical meaning of highfrequency color words is more abundant and diverse, followed by intermediatefrequency color words. The metaphorical meaning of those lowfrequency color words is relatively simple. Taking Kunderas novel series, we can figure out the symbolic meaning of the color words used in them. It can provide a new perspective for the interpretation of Kunderas novels.
    Corpusbased Translation Studies Paradigm: Inheritance and Innovation --A Scientometric Analysis Based on WoS(1993-2020)
    WANG Yi1,2, ZHANG Ruie1, HAN Mingli1
    2022, 22(1):  90-99. 
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    Based on WoS database and assisted by CiteSpace visual measurement tools, a scientometric analysis of corpusbased translation studies was conducted from aspects as publishing trend, regions and strength,hotspots evolution,knowledge base and frontiers, structural variation etc. subjecting literatue from 1993 to 2020. This article believes that:corpusbased translation studies paradigm is a powerful response to the previous disputes on translation ontology; the paradigm embodies the return of empiricism and its integration with rationalism in epistemology;its empirical research method “analysis, description, interpretation” has enhanced the scientificity and explanatory power of translation studies. In addition, research trends in various perspectives, multiple models, and interdisciplinary studies have now taken shape.
    A Study on Subtitlers Work Modes and Roles
    LIU Dayan, ZHANG Xuemei
    2022, 22(1):  100-105. 
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    As one of the key modes of audiovisual translation, subtitling is characterized by a complex process and multipeople involvement. The subtitler, a key professional in subtitling, usually works in three modes: a spotters mode, a translators mode and an integrated mode. Drawing upon the characterisitics and theories of subititling as well as its industrial reality, this study endeavours to anatomize the subtitlers three work modes, weighing their pros and cons, and exploring their technical and language skills required. Through a comparative study, the paper affirms the integrated mode and the subtitlers role with multitasking skills, with a view to laying bare the dynamic development of labor division in this industry.
    On the Translation of Cultural Images and Its Creative Treason in Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee(Dee Goong An) Translated by Robert Hans van Gulik
    LIU Li1,2, WANG Yitao2
    2022, 22(1):  106-112. 
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    Dee Goong An translated by Robert Hans van Gulik makes him wellknown in the world. At present, only the used translation methods and strategies in Dee Goong An have been discussed and studied in the academic circle. Yet, no one has been involved in the study of cultural image translation of Dee Goong An. Due to the differences and inequality between different nations and cultures, it is inevitable that creative treason will exist while translating the cultural image into target text. From the perspective of creative treason in mediotranslatology, this paper analyzed the translation of cultural images and its related creative treason in Dee Goong An translated by Robert Hans van Gulik. It is discovered that the creative treason of cultural images in the translated version exists objectively, and there are two main reasons for the creative treason: the objective differences in different language and culture; the translators individualized translation.