Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2022, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 74-82.

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Green Technology Innovation in Chinese Enterprises: Current Situation, Dilemma and Countermeasures --Comparative Analysis Based on Korea and OECDTotal Data

QING Lingli, ZHANG Zhenyang, CHUN Dongphil   

  1. Graduate School of Management of Technology, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, South Korea
  • Online:2022-03-22 Published:2022-04-11

中国企业绿色技术创新现状·困局·对策 ——基于韩国、OECDTotal数据的对比分析


  1. 韩国国立釜庆大学 技术经营专门大学院,韩国 釜山 48513
  • 作者简介:卿玲丽,女,韩国国立釜庆大学博士研究生,副教授;张振扬,男,韩国国立釜庆大学博士研究生,律师,专利代理师;千东毕(通讯作者),男,韩国人,韩国国立釜庆大学副教授,博士生导师。
  • 基金资助:
    湖南省教育厅科学研究项目 “‘大智移云’技术驱动下涉农企业管理会计智能化发展的实现路径研究”(19C0909);湖南省哲学社会科学成果评审委员会立项重点项目 “推进湖南对非农业产能合作的营商环境、制度基础和政策支撑研究”(XSP20ZDI006);湖南省教育厅科学研究一般项目“农商银行信用风险度量与传染效应研究”(20C0936)

Abstract: As an emerging field, existing scholars research on corporate green technology innovation has gradually become hot, but comparative studies on China and other leading countries are still rare. The paper found that there is heterogeneity in the property rights and technology segmentation of green technology innovation in Chinese enterprises. Compared with Korea and OECD member countries, the number of green patents, technology, and environmental taxation is still dwarfed, mainly due to the large gap with the leading countries, the lack of relative advantage, and the lack of motivation for innovation subjects. In view of this, we propose countermeasures from macro, meso, and micro levels and hope to provide some theoretical and practical insights.

Key words: green technology innovation, environmental taxation, green patent

摘要: 现有学者对企业绿色技术创新领域的研究已渐成热点,但基于中国与其他领先国家的比较研究仍较少。中国企业绿色技术创新在产权属性和技术细分领域存有异质性;且与韩国、OECD成员国相比,在绿色专利数量、技术、环境税收等层面仍相形见绌,主要受困于与领先国家存在较大差距、不具备相对优势、创新主体动力不足。鉴于此,从宏观、中观、微观等多层级维度提出纾解对策,以期提供一定的理论与实践启示。

关键词: 绿色技术创新, 环境税收, 绿色专利