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22 March 2022, Volume 22 Issue 2
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Four Dimensions of Urban Space Theory of Western Marxism
CUI Liying1, DING Yi2
2022, 22(2): 1-6.
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From the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century, the founding fathers of social theory, such as Durkheim and Weber, believe that the urban civilization is the core of the western civilization. Especially after the 1970s, with the ‘spatial turn’ in the field of humanities and social sciences, urban problems were further spacified. In the past a space was a ‘container’, but now immediately gets the vitality, and contains a powerful productivity. Western Marxist scholars have carried out multidimensional studies on spatial politics and urbanization. And these studies have certain reference significance for solving the problems encountered in the process of urbanization development in China.
Research on the Evaluation of Government System Executive Ability in the New Era:Ideas, Contents and Indicators
XING Xijing1 , LI Rongliang2
2022, 22(2): 7-11.
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The evaluation of the government system executive ability of in the new era should conform to the value attribute of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the historical logic of the transformation of national governance, highlighting the evaluation concept of behavior regulation, normative construction and value shaping. The content of the system implementation ability assessment is concentrated on the valueleading ability, the mechanism construction ability, the resource coordination ability, the social integration ability and the system feedback ability. It is the carrier of measuring the governance of the party and the countrys social affairs. The design of the evaluation index system should highlight the evaluation concept, scientifically design the structure of the index system and reasonably match the evaluation index points, and promote the transformation of institutional advantages to governance efficiency.
Study and Use of the Oral Historical Materials of “Two Roads” Spirit and Its Value --Thoughts Based on Field Survey of SichuanTibet Highway and QinghaiTibet Highway
XIANG Lulin1, CUN Xiyan2
2022, 22(2): 12-18.
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The “two roads” spirit was the spiritual highland emerging in the field of new Chinas transportation construction and national united front, and an important content of the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China. The research on the oral history of the “two roads” spirit is an important attempt to explore and sort out the original data of those who experienced the construction and maintenance of the SichuanTibet highway by combining interviews with specific objects and field investigation, and to highlight a group of typical heroes and deeds. Based on the excavation and research of the oral historical materials of the “two roads” spirit, this paper deeply illustrates the essence of the “two roads” spirit with practical cases. The study of the oral history of the “two roads” spirit is of great value and significance to enrich the study of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese revolution, to empower the strategy of “transportation power” in the new era, and to strengthen national unity and forge a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation.
Research on Traffic Transportation Promoting Chinas Common Wealth Policy
ZHAO Guanghui1, WU Hong2, ZHANG Huiling2
2022, 22(2): 19-30.
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Transportation is the foundation of Chinas becoming a powerful country. In recent years, Chinas transportation development has made obvious breakthroughs. The construction of comprehensive transportation network has become more and more perfect. The characteristics of transportation intelligence have become more and more prominent. And the quality of transportation services is gradually improving. In the process of Chinas transportation development making historic achievements, transportation has also made continuous contributions to building a welloff society in an allround way. It has made positive contributions and greatly promoted the development of common prosperity. Based on the trend and background of transportation development, combined with the current situation of transportation development, this paper comprehensively analyzes the achievements, problems, difficulties and corresponding solutions of transportation in promoting common prosperity. It not only provides strong support for transportation to benefit the masses and accelerate poverty alleviation, but also reflects the feelings and responsibilities of modern transportation practitioners and entrepreneurs.
Literature Review on Airline Operational Efficiency
YANG Shenggui1,2, XU Chang3, AI Xuan1
2022, 22(2): 31-41.
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On the basis of defining the concept of airline operational efficiency, the research results of airline operational efficiency are summarized from three aspects, including research content, research methods and research indicators. The research found that: First, a large number of scholars have done a lot of research on transport airline operational efficiency, but there are few studies on the general airline operational efficiency and route operational efficiency. Secondly, there are various methods to measure the airline operational efficiency, but few qualitative studies. And the research ideas are similar. There are few research contents that combine operational efficiency with other aspects. Thirdly, from the calculation and evaluation of the overall airline operational efficiency, to the attention to various detailed input factors and the expansion of route operational efficiency, the research focus has been constantly changing.
A Study on Subsidy Mechanism of Railway Publicwelfare Transport Based on Mixed Strategy Game Model
GUO Litian1, WANG Zhan2, LI Yue1
2022, 22(2): 42-51.
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Railway publicwelfare transport is an important issue which can deepen the reform and development of railway enterprises. However, there is no agreement on the definition of railway publicwelfare transport in official documents or in academic research. This paper defines the scope of railway publicwelfare transport from three aspects, namely, passenger transport, freight transport and route, then sets up a supervision game of government and railway enterprises, and designs subsidy mechanism of railway publicwelfare based on the results of Nash equilibrium analysis of mixed strategy. Finally, this paper puts forward four suggestions on establishing subsidy mechanism.
Constraints and Cracking Paths of Promoting Sharing Traffic in Small and Mediumsized Cities --Based on Smith Model
HU Jindong, JIAO Gang
2022, 22(2): 52-59.
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As an important part of urban public transportation, sharing traffic has been actively introduced by cities with the advantages of new technology and environmental protection. However, in the national promotion of sharing traffic, some small and mediumsized cities represented by J county in Shaanxi Province block sharing traffic. This paper takes Smith model as the research framework, analyzing the difficulties during the implementation of promoting sharing traffic policy in J county from four dimensions: policy itself, policy enforcement agencies, policy target groups and environmental factors, and it also puts forward the promotion strategy of sharing traffic from four aspects: policy supply, executive organization perfection, balancing interest groups and improving technical environment.
Research on the Location and Development of SichuanTibet Highway Museum(Sichuan) --Based on SWOT Analysis
ZHANG Bo1, JIElUO Lati2, WANG Jie3
2022, 22(2): 60-66.
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SichuanTibet highway museum is a display platform reflecting the historical changes of SichuanTibet traffic, and also an important carrier for propagating the SichuanTibet and QinghaiTibet highway spirit. By taking the Kangding bank of Luding Dadu river extra large bridge as the research object, this paper uses SWOT situation analysis method, making a comprehensive analysis from the four dimensions of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Based on the analysis, the paper combines the internal and external development environment with the location and operation of SichuanTibet highway museum, proposes concrete development strategies to promote the SichuanTibet highway museums planning, construction and operation.
Green Technology Innovation in Chinese Enterprises: Current Situation, Dilemma and Countermeasures --Comparative Analysis Based on Korea and OECDTotal Data
QING Lingli, ZHANG Zhenyang, CHUN Dongphil
2022, 22(2): 74-82.
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As an emerging field, existing scholars research on corporate green technology innovation has gradually become hot, but comparative studies on China and other leading countries are still rare. The paper found that there is heterogeneity in the property rights and technology segmentation of green technology innovation in Chinese enterprises. Compared with Korea and OECD member countries, the number of green patents, technology, and environmental taxation is still dwarfed, mainly due to the large gap with the leading countries, the lack of relative advantage, and the lack of motivation for innovation subjects. In view of this, we propose countermeasures from macro, meso, and micro levels and hope to provide some theoretical and practical insights.
Relative Poverty Measurement and Sensitivity Analysis Based on the Livelihood Capital of Rural Household
WANG Jiamei1, HE Jincai2
2022, 22(2): 83-90.
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Within the framework of the livelihood capital analysis, based on the survey data of 786 rural households in Shizhu County in Chongqing, this paper measures the livelihood capital of rural households, and preliminarily delimits the relative poverty line for analyzing the poverty sensitivity of rural households. The results show that the total livelihood capital level of the households in this region is low, and the incidence of absolute poverty of all kinds of capital varies greatly, and the incidence of relative poverty is close. There are regional differences in the level of livelihood capital, and the relative poverty rate of livelihood capital is 1-2 times of absolute poverty rate. The increase of the incidence rate of total livelihood capital poverty caused by the lifting of poverty line is more obvious, and the sensitivity of material capital poverty is much higher than that of total capital and other capital.
Identity Dilemma of Black Intellectuals --Centered on Gates Literary Criticism
2022, 22(2): 91-96.
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The development of the black community cannot be separated from the efforts of black intellectuals, but they are often criticized for being separated from the black people. Gates is a leading figure in African American studies today. On the one hand, his African American literary criticism highlights the uniqueness of African American literature. On the other hand, his position in academic institutions makes him examine the problems existing in African American literary studies from the perspective of institutions. Gates professional responsibilities in mainstream institutions are related to his class identity. His African American literary criticism not only tries to meet the needs of African American literary studies, but also caters to the expectations of mainstream society, which highlights the identity dilemma of black intellectuals.
Pricking the Curtain of Depression and Looking for a Free Soul
CHEN Kuang
2022, 22(2): 97-105.
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For thousands of years, women have always been in a passive historical position. Feminist literary criticism condemns womens social and cultural status from various aspects, trying to subvert the Phallocentrism and reinterpret the distorted female image.From the perspective of feminism, by the comparison between Mauriacs Thérèse Desqueyroux and LI Angs Kill Husband, this paper reveals the repressive history of the two female protagonists and further uncovers their spirit of revolt against the patriarchal world.
John Steinbecks Revelation of Taoism in Cannery Row
ZENG Jing1, XIAO Haiyan2
2022, 22(2): 106-112.
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The core spirit of Taoism in American novelist John Steinbeck works is gradually catching scholars attention. Cannery Row is a novel directly related to Chinese profile and culture, due to which this paper intends to illuminate the bond between Steinbeck and Taoism from this novel. The first attempt is to clarify Steinbecks agreements to the primary Taoist ideological nucleus “the unity of man and nature” by advocating that human beings should embrace their natural propensities so as to reach such unity. The further attempt is to reveal Steinbecks application of Taoist propositions of “simplicity, less desires and contentment” in ameliorating the dilemma of materialistic expansion as well as excessive desires for fame or wealth in the western world, which portends a possible new way of life based on Taoist wisdom.
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