Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition ›› 2023, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 37-45.

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Research on the Subsidy Pricing Strategy of the Carhailing Market under the Aggregation Model

LI Hao1, HE Xu1, TIAN Yuan2   

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  • Received:2022-08-23 Revised:2022-09-26 Published:2023-05-26



  1. 1.重庆交通大学 经济与管理学院,重庆 400074;2.北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100091
  • 作者简介:李豪,男,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院教授,博士;何旭(通信作者),女,重庆交通大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生;田源,男,北京林业大学经济管理学院本科生。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The aggregation model has become a trend in the development of the carhailing market. Aiming at the difference in service level of service providers and platform fees, the optimal subsidy pricing strategy is discussed by constructing a Steinberg game model dominated by aggregation platforms. And the impact of subsidy pricing on the interests of various subjects and social welfare is further analyzed. Research shows that the subsidies provided by platforms and service providers to travelers have increased the service price of the online carhailing market, and the platform commissions have also increased; the implementation of subsidy strategies has improved the benefits of platforms and service providers with high service levels, but only when the service level and only when the degree of difference is large, is it beneficial to service providers with low service levels; a reasonable subsidy pricing strategy improves the overall social welfare, and the greater the degree of difference in service levels, the more effective the subsidy strategy.

Key words: aggregation platform; subsidized pricing; service difference; strategy

摘要: 聚合模式已成为网约车市场发展的趋势。考虑服务商的服务水平差异与平台抽成,构建聚合平台主导的斯坦伯格博弈模型,探讨最优补贴定价策略,分析补贴定价对各主体利益和社会福利的影响。平台和服务商对出行者的补贴提高了网约车市场的服务价格,平台抽成随之增加;实施补贴策略提高了平台和高水平服务商的收益,但只有当服务水平差异程度较大时,才对低水平服务商有利;合理的补贴定价策略提高了整个社会的福利,同时服务水平差异程度越大,补贴策略越有效。