[4]顾蕾.2011年苏州旅游总收入全国第五[EB/OL].(2012-03-01)[2014-08-01].http*//csztv_cn/a/news/2012/5867. html.
[5]中共厦门市委.中共厦门市委厦门市人民政府关于加快旅游产业发展的实施意见[EB/OL].(2012-11-15)[2014-08- 01].http*//www_xmtravel_gov_cn/news/1352080429332.html. 〖JZ(〗〖WT4HZ〗Quanzhou SWOT Analysis of Quanzhous Development of Cultural Tourism 〖WT5BZ〗ZHOU Jianbiao 〖WT5”BZ〗(Party School, CPC Quanzhou Committee, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000,China) 〖WTHZ〗Abstract:Quanzhou won Chinas first title of “cultural city in east Asia”, and got a new opportunity to develop cultural tourism. The advantages of Quanzhous development of cultural tourism include rich cultural tourism resources. The weak points are more static display than the development and utilization of cultural resources, lack of participation and experience. Opportunities come from implementing the strategies of cultural power and the promises at the final judgment meeting of the east Asian cultural city. The challenge is that Quanzhous tourist advantages will slowly fade. Quanzhou should seize the chance of constructing the “cultural city in east Asia”, extending the cultural tourism industry chain, building cultural tourism brand, actively developing cultural tourism customer market, building east Asian cultural tourism destination and speeding up the development of cultural tourism. 〖WTHZ〗Key words:cultural city in east Asia; Quanzhou; cultural tourism; SWOT analysis 〖JY〗〖HT5”H〗(责任编辑:李晓梅)