›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 61-64.

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Quanzhou SWOT Analysis of Quanzhous Development of Cultural Tourism

ZHOU Jianbiao   

  1. (Party School, CPC Quanzhou Committee, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000,China)
  • Received:2014-08-11 Revised:2014-09-19 Online:2015-04-30 Published:2015-04-30



  1. 中共泉州市委党校,福建 泉州 362000
  • 作者简介:周建标(1964-),男,福建平潭人,中共泉州市委党校理论研究室(科研处)教授,研究方向:中华文化、文化产业、文化旅游业。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Quanzhou won Chinas first title of “cultural city in east Asia”, and got a new opportunity to develop cultural tourism. The advantages of Quanzhous development of cultural tourism include rich cultural tourism resources. The weak points are more static display than the development and utilization of cultural resources, lack of participation and experience. Opportunities come from implementing the strategies of cultural power and the promises at the final judgment meeting of the east Asian cultural city. The challenge is that Quanzhous tourist advantages will slowly fade. Quanzhou should seize the chance of constructing the “cultural city in east Asia”, extending the cultural tourism industry chain, building cultural tourism brand, actively developing cultural tourism customer market, building east Asian cultural tourism destination and speeding up the development of cultural tourism.

Key words: cultural city in east Asia, Quanzhou, cultural tourism, SWOT analysis

摘要: 泉州获得中国首个“东亚文化之都”称号,迎来了发展文化旅游业的新机遇。泉州发展文化旅游业的优势是文化旅游资源数量多、门类丰富;弱势是文化资源静态展示多于开发利用,缺乏参与性和体验感;机遇来自实施文化强国战略和泉州在“东亚文化之都”终审会上的承诺;挑战在于泉州旅游区位优势将慢慢失去。泉州应抓住建设东亚文化之都的契机,延伸文化旅游产业链、打造文化旅游品牌、积极开拓文化旅游客源市场,打造东亚文化之都旅游目的地,推动文化旅游加快发展。

关键词: 东亚文化之都, 泉州, 文化旅游业, SWOT分析