›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 77-84.

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The Text of Chu Ci Can Be Illustrated, But the Emotion Cannot --Research of the Imperially Authorized Complementary Illustrated Li Sao

SUN Yangyang   

  1. (College of Liberal Arts, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241000, China)
  • Received:2015-11-03 Online:2016-04-08 Published:2016-04-08

绘述楚骚辞,绘文难绘情 ——《钦定补绘离骚图》研究


  1. 安徽师范大学 文学院,安徽 芜湖 241000
  • 作者简介:孙洋洋(1988—),男,安徽淮南人,安徽师范大学中国古代文学硕士研究生,研究方向:古代文学。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The Imperially Authorized Complementary Illustrated Li Sao is the most complete illustrated Chu Ci. It uses a variety of ways to show the poems with illustrations, recording the process of the artists poetic interpretation. The artist too faithfully restores the texts, revealing the elimination of the poetic connotation. The compilation of this illustrated Li Sao has the trace of Xiao Yuncongs edition. Due to different creative backgrounds, the purpose of the creation of the two editions and the reality show that the style and emotional expressions are also very different.

Key words: Imperially Authorized Complementary Illustrated Li Sao, Li Sao Illustration, way of display, connotation elimination, realistic style

摘要: 《钦定补绘离骚图》是目前最完备的《楚辞》图绘本。它运用多种展现方式对《楚辞》诗歌内容进行摹绘,记录了画师对诗的阐释过程。画师过分忠实地还原诗歌文本,出现了诗歌内涵的消解。《钦定补绘离骚图》在编绘体例上有因袭萧云从《离骚图》的痕迹。由于创作背景不同,两书创作的目的、展现的现实风貌和表达的情感也大异其趣。

关键词: 《钦定补绘离骚图》, 《离骚图》, 展现方式, 内涵消解, 现实风貌