›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 63-66.

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Research on the Strategy of Credit System in Transportation Field --Treatment for Illegal Agricultural Vehicles in Expressway

SHI Jun   

  1. (Shaanxi Yulin Yushen Expressway Co., Ltd., China Railway Transport Group, Yulin, Shaanxi 719319, China)
  • Received:2018-07-20 Online:2019-04-10 Published:2019-04-10

交通运输领域社会信用体系构建策略 ——以高速公路假冒绿通车违法行为治理为着力点


  1. 中铁交通集团陕西榆林榆神高速公路有限公司,陕西 榆林 719319
  • 作者简介:石军(1972—),男,陕西榆林榆神高速公路有限公司总经理,研究方向:高速公路管理政策。

Abstract: It is believed that the issues involved in the inspection of fake agricultural vehicles involve a wide range of subjects and information, which is in line with the construction of a credit system. A stratagem of credit system was provided based on treatment for illegal agricultural vehicles in expressway. Changing from the idea of “first check and then pass” in the inspection work of the existing agricultural vehicles to the idea of “not checking and passing quickly” was proposed. Using the prescribed APP as the tool to judge whether the green traffic is cheating and to punish the fraud. In the end, the purpose of solving the illegal activities of fake agricultural vehicles is solved. And as the basis of building the traffic credit system,it will gradually expand and eventually form a perfect traffic credit system.

Key words: social credit system, transportation, highway, agricultural vehicle

摘要: 绿通车查验问题涉及的主体较广、信息较大,符合构建信用体系的基础,建议以打击假冒绿通车违法行为为着力点来开展交通信用体系构建工作。将现有绿通车查验工作中“先查验后通过”的思路变为“不查验而快速通过”,以规定的APP为工具来判断绿通车是否有作假行为,并联合惩戒作假行为,根治高速公路假冒绿通车违法行为。以此作为构建交通信用体系基础的目的,通过逐步扩展,形成完善的交通信用体系。

关键词: 社会信用体系, 交通运输, 高速公路, 绿通车