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    10 April 2019, Volume 19 Issue 2
    The Red Gene of the “Two Roads” Spirit --Studying XI Jinpings Socialist Idea with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era
    WANG Wei1, CHEN Xuebin2
    2019, 19(2):  1-8. 
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    To carry out the general secretary XI Jinpings important instruction about “continuing to carry on the spirit of the ‘two roads’ in the new era”, we need to understand thoroughly XI Jinpings important idea of “letting the red gene go on generation after generation” in the new era. In his many important talks, XI Jinping illustrated the connotation of the “red gene” penetratingly, making it an important part of XI Jinpings socialist idea with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The basic connotation of the red gene includes four aspects: the red theory, the advanced political party, the great practice and the national culture. To carry on the spirit of “two roads”, we need to basically abide by these four aspects of the red gene.
    Connotation and Essence of the “Two Roads” Spirit
    WANG Rong1, LUO Ting2, PANG Yuehui1
    2019, 19(2):  9-15. 
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    The construction of SichuanTibet and QinghaiTibet roads not only created a miracle in the history of highway construction in the world, but also formed an extremely valuable spiritual wealth, that is, the “two roads” (SichuanTibet Road and QinghaiTibet Road) spirit is interpreted as the willpower to face adversity and death courageously, the persistence to make utmost endeavors, the willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the great undertaking, harmonious relations between the army and the people, and unity of all ethnic groups. The “two roads” spirit is the unity of ethos and revolutionary spirit, the unity of the spirit of fighting relentlessly and scientific spirit, the integration of national defense security and national unity as well as the integration of revolutionary heroism and revolutionary optimism. In the new era, it is of great practical significance to carry forward and implement the “two roads” spirit for the goal of building China into a transportation power and realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
    A Review of the Status Quo of “Two Roads” Spiritual Learning, Research and Publicity
    DENG Qungang
    2019, 19(2):  16-21. 
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    The “two roads” spirit has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life since its inception as a new member of the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China and the new members of the cultural resources family. It is mainly reflected in the establishment of a nationallevel “two roads” spiritual studio, which successfully declared a nationallevel project, and initially obtained a series of theoretical research results, filming a movie, recording and broadcasting a TV documentary, rehearsing. He also performed a Peking Opera and other aspects, and his studies, research and publicity have achieved remarkable results.However, there are also such disadvantages as learning, research and propaganda to promote institutions with few and insufficient systems, less scientific and rational results, low quality, lack of academic vision, single means of propaganda and promotion, and low applicability of research results.We must make breakthroughs in the construction of the platform, the strengthening of academic rational research, the collection and collation of materials, the innovation of propaganda and the means of promotion, and we can create a new situation of “two roads” spiritual learning, research and publicity.
    Enlightenment of “Two Roads” Spirit to Accurate Poverty Alleviation
    GONG Wei
    2019, 19(2):  22-26. 
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    In the “two roads” spirit, the victory belief of overcoming difficulties, political and disciplinary consciousness of resolutely obeying the partys command, the idea of governing for the people and promoting the wellbeing, and the spirit of combination of fearlessness and science are of great significance to the current poverty alleviation. The “two roads” spirit will encourage and inspire us to achieve the decisive victory of the battle for targeted poverty reduction under the leadership of the party.
    SichuanTibet Road Cultural Tourism Development Research from the Perspective of Red Spirit Dissemination
    ZHENG Tao, ZHANG Yurong, JIANG Yunyan
    2019, 19(2):  27-31. 
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    Disseminating the red spirit is the proper meaning of the development of cultural tourism. The SichuanTibet road itself and its areas along it are rich in red cultural resources. The “two roads” spirit is a valuable spiritual wealth formed during the revolution and construction under the lead of the Communist Party of China, and it should be fully publicized and rationally utilized in the process of developing tourism. The red culture connotation should be deeply explored in the process of spreading the red spirit along the development of cultural tourism in SichuanTibet Road. Based on that, the quality of tourism products must be strengthened and the tourist satisfaction should also be improved. In the methods of dissemination, we need to make full use of the functions of traditional media, new media and selfmedia. Besides, tourist shopping is also an important cultural carrier in this development process.
    On the Inheritance and Transformation of “Literati Painting” in FENG Zikais Cartoons
    WANG Huanhuan
    2019, 19(2):  32-36. 
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    On the one hand, FENG Zikais cartoons inherited poetic, simple pen and personal cultivation elements of Chinese classic “literati painting”, on the other hand, by utilizing the realistic style of Western paintings, he transformed the subjective impressionistic and lyrical style of “literati painting”, which make his cartoons with narrative, reflective and critical features. Unlike QI Baishi, XU Beihong, FENG Zikais cartoons created a unique paradigm of “literati painting”. His traditional verse of new painting represented an example of inheriting and developing Chinese classic culture.
    Research on the Development of Private Newspaper Industry in Shaanxi During the Republic of China
    ZHANG Xuemei, WANG Jian, WANG Zhuyan
    2019, 19(2):  37-43. 
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    The development of private newspaper industry in modern Shaanxi is late because of its remote geographical environment and the closed political and cultural atmosphere. During the period of the Republic of China, the private newspaper industry in Shaanxi entered into the stage of rapid development and became the core base of public opinion in northwest China. Although it had to cease because of the restriction of local political, economic, geographical and official newspaper factors, the development of Shaanxi private newspaper industry objectively promoted the social progress and the development of modern Shaanxi and even the whole northwest region.
    Operation and Development of Qiang Traditional Village
    HUANG Lili, XIONG Mei
    2019, 19(2):  44-48. 
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    During the historical period, the Qiang people lived mainly by animal husbandry, supplemented by extensive planting. After settling down gradually, agriculture gradually replaced animal husbandry as the dominant form of survival. The inclination of policy, the leading of science and technology, the development of culture and education, and the promotion of market provide an opportunity for the development of Qiang traditional villages. At present, there are five development modes of Qiang traditional villages, among which the compound development road has become the development mode of Qiang traditional villages.
    Dilemma and Orientation of the Sociology of Transportation in the “Belt and Road” Initiative
    WANG Bin
    2019, 19(2):  49-55. 
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    The main content of sociology of transportation includes three aspects, namely, the relationship between transportation and ecology, the influence of transportation on identification, and the updating of the theory. In the background of the “Belt and Road” initiative, sociology of transportation in China has confronted a series of challenges. Therefore, we must always adhere to the ecological and social perspective, grasp the initiative in the study of relationship between “object” and “heart”, and actively construct the theory of discourse with Chinese character, thus promoting the “Belt and Road” initiative to global governance.
    Face up and Reflection: Limitations and Transformation of Current Administrative Regulations
    ZHOU Suxiang
    2019, 19(2):  56-62. 
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    Investigating the existing administrative regulations, it is found that there are limitations of legitimacy, stifling economic vitality and insufficient regulation effectiveness. The reason is that the regulation of the regulation of the network has been unevenly distributed in various regulatory stages. Collaborative governance and mature constraints have not been realized. It is advisable to use the benefit value as the regulatory value, balance the regulation of each supervision stage, strengthen the supervision of the matter, implement the “equal distance law enforcement” method, and implement the national level network driver credit system as soon as possible after the postregulation stage, and build the supervision structure of thirdparty organizations to achieve effective regulation.
    Research on the Strategy of Credit System in Transportation Field --Treatment for Illegal Agricultural Vehicles in Expressway
    SHI Jun
    2019, 19(2):  63-66. 
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    It is believed that the issues involved in the inspection of fake agricultural vehicles involve a wide range of subjects and information, which is in line with the construction of a credit system. A stratagem of credit system was provided based on treatment for illegal agricultural vehicles in expressway. Changing from the idea of “first check and then pass” in the inspection work of the existing agricultural vehicles to the idea of “not checking and passing quickly” was proposed. Using the prescribed APP as the tool to judge whether the green traffic is cheating and to punish the fraud. In the end, the purpose of solving the illegal activities of fake agricultural vehicles is solved. And as the basis of building the traffic credit system,it will gradually expand and eventually form a perfect traffic credit system.
    Development of Highway Traffic in Shandong in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China
    LIU Na
    2019, 19(2):  67-73. 
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    The transportation system experienced the process of transforming from water transportation to rail transportation in modern Shandong. With the development and evolution of highway construction technology and automobile manufacturing industry, till the Republic of China, the real significance of highway planning, construction, transportation, management and other undertakings in Shandong was gradually opened. The road in this period had not created a new transport hub, but highway construction investment, flexibility, speed and good characteristics made it have unique advantages in short transportation. With the development of new traffic, the mode of transportation begins to change gradually, and the traditional pattern of traffic and transportation is greatly impacted. Generally speaking, the construction and transportation of Shandong highway started in late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and gradually played an increasingly important role in commodity circulation, personnel exchanges and social changes.
    Research Trend and Prospect of China County Economy Based on the Knowledge Map Analysis
    JIANG Sanliang, YUAN Li
    2019, 19(2):  74-80. 
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    Using the county economy as the keyword in CNKI to retrieve literature which is derived from the CSSCI(extended edition included)(1998-2017). The author, institution and keyword from the collected sample data are analyzed with CiteSpace Ⅴ. Relevant hotspots and trends are summarized from the timezone view of keywords and the detection of burst terms. The results show that the research hotspots of county economy are focused on the development, urbanization and the new rural construction etc. And the research trends will mainly be in economic growth, urbanization and ESDA.
    Estimating Real Effective Exchange Rate of Major Economies Manufacturing Industry under Global Value Chain: 2001—2014
    LIU Pengchun, XU Bo, SHANG Yaxuan
    2019, 19(2):  81-89. 
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    On the basis of breaking up the gross exports from the perspective of valueadded trade, the real effective exchange rate(REER) of 16 major economies manufacturing industry from 2001 to 2014 is estimated. The results show that the trends of different economies REER significantly diverge during observation period; the countries with rising trends are mostly developed ones and the countries with downward trends are mostly emerging ones; the REER of Chinas manufacturing industry shows a tendency of decline before rising, which changes relatively smoothly compared with most other economies; after 2005, the REER of Chinas manufacturing industry shows obviously ascending trend along with the appreciation of the RMB.
    The Beauty of Traditional Culture in Network Novels --On Popularity of The Legend of Zhen Huan in Harem
    LI Hongxiu
    2019, 19(2):  90-99. 
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    LIU Lianzi, the author of The Legend of Zhen Huan in Harem network novel, has never thought that the work can be popular for ten years since its creation, making into a TV series to the overseas market. Why is this novel popular at home and abroad This paper analyzes the causes in three aspects.The classical beauty of traditional women;the beauty of meaning in traditional literature;the cultural beauty of daily life.The author wrote the novel when in college. It became popular not just because of the Internet, but also thanks to her love of literature and Chinese history. She puts the accumulation of knowledge fully into her literary creation. Meanwhile, the modern communication technology and traditional Chinese culture are perfectly combined together to meet the readers aesthetic expectation.
    Analysis of Margaret Atwoods “The Sin Eater” from Classical Reconstruction
    LIU Yumei, FANG Sha
    2019, 19(2):  100-104. 
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    Margaret Atwood is an internationally renowned woman writer from Canada. One of the characteristics of her works lies in the dismantling and reconstruction of classical texts and the renovation of the story structure of the source texts. She has made admirable achievements in the classical reconstruction. Each of her works, whether long or short, is actually very depressing. “The Sin Eater” is a story based on death. Her works reflect the depressing theme of death. She has a deep concern over peoples “survival” and the worlds disadvantaged groups. Her literary spirit belongs not only to Canada, but also to the entire world.
    A Study of the Model of Chinese New Immigrant Literatures “Going Abroad” --A Case Study from QIU Xiaolongs Detective Trilogy
    WANG Juan1, SUN Ni2
    2019, 19(2):  105-111. 
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    In the context of the “Belt and Road” initiative, Chinese new immigrant writers commit themselves to being the pioneers for pushing forward Chinese Cultures “going abroad”. Based on Chinese identity and international perspective, they undertake responsibility for the English narration and intercultural communication of Chinese culture. Theoretically supported by Harold Lasswells communication model, the new tasks and concerns created by Chinese new immigrant literature are multidimensionally analyzed from the perspectives of sender, information, channels, audience and effects of communication with a case study of QIU Xiaolongs detective trilogy. The fact that Chinese new immigrant writers take advantages of their double identity, bilingual and intercultural competence to convey cultural selfconfidence, shape Chinas image and enhance the soft power of Chinese culture is further explored.
    Mental and Physical Confrontation --On the Supergram of “I” in “Blessing”
    RAN Xiu1, CHEN Fang2
    2019, 19(2):  112-117. 
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    The “I” in “Blessing” is the witness of the tragic life of Mrs. Xianglin. “Blessing” describes in detail the thought process of “I” when confronting the “slave” Mrs. Xianglin, the people of Lu town under the “slave morality community”, as well as another “alter ego” within “I”. At the same time, it also describes the “body” and “spirit” of “I” in the mutual confrontation of each others growth track. The process of “I” thinking and answering the questions raised by Mrs. Xianglin is also the process of “I” rediscovering “id” and “alter ego”. “I” thus completed the “I” beyond.
    Aesthetic Value and Cultural Connotation of Ink in the Decorative Beauty of Huimo
    WEN Jing
    2019, 19(2):  118-122. 
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    Ink is an important carrier in the cultural inheritance of China. Hui ink is a leader of the ink industry since a period of time. The ink spectrum is an atlas of printing and decorating decoration patterns in the process of printing ink, reflecting the commercial needs of Mohist at a certain stage. However, the aesthetic values and cultural connotations it presents are beyond the expectations of the Mohist business needs. The origin of the printing process of the ink spectrum is analyzed and the aesthetic value and cultural content of the ink spectrum are integrated into the background of the era. The unique “password” of the ancient Huizhou people in business, aesthetics, and culture is reflected.
    On the Middle Construction in English from the Perspective of Cognitive Grammar
    LIU Cunwei1,2
    2019, 19(2):  123-130. 
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    Based on theories of action chain and subjectivity under the framework of Cognitive Grammar, a study on the middle construction in English was conducted with the following findings: 1) The fact that the patient is situated at the subject place in the middle construction is the result of the conceptualizers focus on the energy absorption and state change of the patient in the process of energy transmission; 2) The causative feature of the patient comes from the conceptualizers subjective evaluation of some traits of the patient and the shadowing of the objective energy transmission; 3) The cooccurrence of the middle verb and adverb is formed so that the conceptualizer can weaken the dynamic and eventive character and strengthen the subjective evaluation of the some traits of the patient.
    A Review on Dungan Language and Dungan Written Symbols in Central Asia
    HOU Yu
    2019, 19(2):  131-136. 
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    Dungan language is the language of the Hui nationality in central Asia, which is a special variant of Chinese shaanxi dialect. Dungan written symbols are regarded as the only cuneiform characters in the world that are successful in spelling Chinese and are the carrier of the development of Dungan culture. Based on the review and analysis of the research results of Dungan language and Dungan written symbols among 30 years, it is concluded:At present, the research results of Dungan pronunciation and vocabulary are relatively few;The studies of Dungan dialect with Xinjiang dialect are comparatively rare;The language standard of “transliteration and translation” of Dungan literary works remains to be studied;The study of teaching form of Dungan dialect has few achievements;The study of language usage and language attitude of Dungan people needs further study.