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    22 September 2020, Volume 20 Issue 5
    On the Theoretical Origins of XI Jinpings Important Statement on Poverty
    XIN Yuan,HAN Guangfu
    2020, 20(5):  1-8. 
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    XI Jinpings idea of dealing with poverty is the guiding ideology and fundamental principles of the poverty eradication strategy in the new era, which has deep theoretical origins. The antipoverty theory of Marx and Engels provided a firm theoretical source for XI Jinpings idea of dealing with poverty; the antipoverty theory of Chinese Communists in the past provided XI Jinpings idea of dealing with poverty with Chinese practical experience and theoretical basis. The meaning of poverty provides a cultural reference for XI Jinpings idea of dealing with poverty. The new era comprehensively and profoundly understands and grasps the theoretical origin of XI Jinpings idea of dealing with poverty, which is of great practical value and guiding significance for the comprehensive implementation of the practice of XI Jinpings idea of dealing with poverty in practice.
    An Analysis of the Livelihood Dimension of the Transformation of Main Contradictions in the New Era
    WANG Qian
    2020, 20(5):  9-16. 
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    The new expression of the main social contradictions in the report of the 19th National Congress of Communist Party of China has profound meanings of peoples livelihood.In the new era, the contradiction of imbalanced and insufficient development in the field of peoples livelihood highlights the most restrictive factors for the improvement of peoples livelihood. The resolution of major social contradictions can solve the problem of peoples livelihood. Focusing on solving the main contradictions in the development of peoples livelihood, five new development concepts are guidelines for action and values for improving peoples livelihood.A scientific, standardized and effective system is a solid backing and an important political guarantee for the improvement of peoples livelihood. Supplyside structural reform is an important boost, providing a solid economic foundation for improving peoples livelihood. Peoples accurate livelihood strategy is the strategic focus and the main direction of improvement of peoples livelihood.
    Analysis on the Connotation, Formation Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Strategic Identity for Rural Rejuvenation
    DU Xianghui
    2020, 20(5):  17-23. 
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    The strategic identity of rural revitalization refers to the process in which the public, especially the farmers recognize, approve and actively participate in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and its policy system based on their own interests and needs. The main body of rural revitalization is farmers. Only when the rural revitalization strategy is approved by the peasant group can they stimulate their subjectivity and endogenous motivation to participate in rural revitalization. The farmers’ identification of the rural revitalization strategy is affected by the subject and object of identification, the social dissemination of the rural revitalization strategy, the performance of implementation, the public psychological expectations and other synergistic factors, which restrict the implementation process of the rural revival strategy.
    Integration of WenMa Expressway Construction and Cultural Tourism of Tibetan and Qiang Nationality
    SONG Bo
    2020, 20(5):  24-30. 
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    The relationship between transportation and tourism is always inseparable. In recent years, the proposal of transportation and tourism integration accurately reflects the role change of transportation and tourism industry in the process of rapid development under the background of the new era, and it is also the inevitable trend for us to build a strong transportation and tourism country in the future. Based on the unique Tibetan and Qiang folk cultural resources along the WenMa expressway, and starting from the aspects of expressway landscape design, the realization of industrial linkage function, the improvement of intelligent level, and sustainable development, this paper discusses the path and strategy of the integration of expressway construction with local culture and ethnic elements under the background of “transportation + tourism” integration development.
    Study on the Development Path of Urban Green Traffic --Taking Xian
    HU Jindong, TUO Jiaojiao
    2020, 20(5):  31-36. 
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    As a brandnew traffic concept, green traffic has become an important way to solve urban traffic problems. Taking Xian, drawing on the experience of green traffic development in typical cities, it is proposed that urban traffic construction must be “peopleoriented” and clarify the disadvantages of the development model of “carbased” from the concept; finally, we should improve the relevant legal system and provide system guarantee for green traffic.
    Analysis of Causes of Traffic Congestion in the Main Urban Area of Chongqing and Countermeasures
    CHEN Wei
    2020, 20(5):  37-42. 
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    With the steady growth of motor vehicles in the cities, mature urban road network structure and in the context of public transport share rate, there appears the growing problem of urban traffic congestion. On the basis of summarizing the characteristics of traffic congestion in Chongqing, this paper analyzes the reasons for its formation, and proposes that the “multicenter, multigroup” development of Chongqing should be based on “public transportation + walking”. As far as possible, the problems of daily life, work and residence of residents in the group should be solved, the traffic pressure of tunnels and bridges be eased, and a harmonious relationship between people, vehicles, roads and environment in time and space be established.
    A Research of Hotspots, Trends and Prospect on the Impact of Chinas Highspeed Rail on Regional Development(1998—2019)
    ZHENG Weiwei1, LI Wenyu2
    2020, 20(5):  43-49. 
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    By using CiteSpace V to visualize the knowledge map of the “highspeed rail impact on regional development” in the CSSCI from 1998 to 2019,the theoretical research hotspots, trends and latest progress in China are revealed. The results show that: the main research hotspots cover the effects of highspeed rail on economic effects, regional accessibility, urban agglomerations, and tourism spatial structure in this field. Moreover, it has experienced three development stages, including stagnation, slow development and rapid growth. The “intermediary effect” of highspeed rail on the business management innovation, industrial efficiency improvement, regional and urbanrural coordinated development is expected to become the new theoretical research trends in the future.
    Research on the Development of Online Supply Chain Finance in Quanzhou
    XU Yani
    2020, 20(5):  50-55. 
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    Online supply chain financial models have become important financing methods of SMEs in the current epidemic. The development of online supply chain finance in Quanzhou is fast. The paper summarizes three supply chain financial models in Quanzhou. They are bank selfbuilt platform model, supply chain platform and finance model and access to national supply chain financial platform. Then the paper points out that the main problems in the development of online supply chain finance in Quanzhou are single model, fewer financing platforms and products and weak risk control capabilities. Finally, some countermeasures are proposed from the aspects of platform construction, stimulating the vitality of supply chain financial subjects, and improving the risk control system.
    Marketization and High Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry --An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinas Provincial Panel Data
    LIN Xiaoyi
    2020, 20(5):  56-61. 
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    Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China has gradually promoted the process of marketization and achieved remarkable achievements. Manufacturing industry is the main body of economy, and highquality development of manufacturing industry is the key point to promote the quality of Chinas economy development. This paper empirically examines the impact of marketoriented level on the quality and development of manufacturing products by using the marketoriented process index and quality competitiveness index of 31 provinces in China from 2008 to 2016. The results show that: 1) the level of marketization can significantly improve the quality and development ability of manufacturing products ; 2) the perfect product market and legal system environment are the core factors to promote the quality and development of manufacturing industry.
    Research on the Influencing Factors and Bilateral Commodity Trade of ChinaASEAN Based on Gravity Model
    YU Min
    2020, 20(5):  62-69. 
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    China has been the largest trading partner of ASEAN for 10 consecutive years, while ASEAN became Chinas secondlargest trading partner in the first half of 2019. The scale of trade is expanding and the competition of trade is increasing between China and ASEAN. This paper applies the modern theory with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to study measurement and determinants of China and ASEAN trade. Based on the development status and existing problems of trade between China and ASEAN, the development strategy was discussed.
    Sadness in Flying --Comments on XU Yiguas Wuyue and Ade
    XU Xiang
    2020, 20(5):  70-75. 
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    XU Yiguas new novel Wuyue and Ade embodies the writers new changes in creation. The novel is different from the writers previous works, which focus on the good and evil of human nature, the crime and punishment of the soul. XU Yigua turns her eyes to the real life and spiritual world of ordinary people. Wuyue and Ade, two ordinary people who have no intersection, meet with each other by chance because of their waking dreams and defective bodies, weaving out the tender feelings of the world, while lies make them fall from their dreams and taste the tragedy of life. Their flying life is full of sadness, letting the novel show the texture of life, also reflecting the new tentacles of XU Yiguas creation.
    The Writing of Intellectuals Life Dilemma from the Perspective of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs --Taking ZHUANG Zhidie in JIA Pingwas The Ruined City
    WANG Junhu, CHEN Nan
    2020, 20(5):  76-81. 
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    JIA Pingwa creates a decadent city in which women are materialized and intellectuals are alienated. ZHUANG Zhidie is depressed by his wife NIU Yueqings impotence, which makes his basic physiological needs unsatisfied. He tries to find his male selfesteem by satisfying his basic needs through crazy extramarital sexual love activities. ZHUANG gets the satisfaction of different levels of needs from TANG Waner, LIU Yue, WANG Ximians wife and Acan, and even achieves the ultimate goal of illusory self realization. ZHUANG does not realize his ideal of life nor reaches the peak of self realization. When he finds that the satisfaction of his needs at all levels in four women is in fact the illusion of self paralysis, he falls into the mire of life dilemma and can not escape. Maslows hierarchy of needs can clearly reveal the origin of ZHUANGs desire, the conjecture process of self satisfaction of all levels of needs and the cause of tragic life.
    On the Images of Crazy Scientists in Movies in Western Culture
    WANG Ying
    2020, 20(5):  82-90. 
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    The story of the “artificial man” described in the “Frankenstein” movies is more than a fable. The science applied beyond the boundaries of the instrumental rationality and cognitive limits will lead to the destruction of the mankind. The origin and nature of life in the biological sciences and the reproduction of life have always been important subjects in science. The Frankenstein movies focus on a collection of important scientific knowledge and ethical contradiction. The scientists in these movies are trying to “create men” so as to get perfect human beings. Through case studies of four Frankenstein movies, the images of the scientists in the movies are interpreted, as well as the images of the “monster”, and the images of the scientists assistants. As a conclusion the paper takes a general look at the conflict between science and human social ethics and religious beliefs, referring to the actual scientific cases of ethical and otherwise fundamental conflicts in the modern science and technology, trying to discuss the question where the science is leading the human being.
    Research and Exploration of the Discipline Competition System Integrating with the Professional Education Under the Background of New Engineering Education
    XU Rong, LIU Junjian
    2020, 20(5):  91-97. 
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    There lacks system, loose combination with the major course teaching and incomplete coverage of all the students between the subjects contest and professional education. In accordance with the new requirements for the innovative talents training of new engineering majors, with the support of double creative education of subject contest, program design with training target, multi platform construction of university and enterprises, guiding teachers construction and operation management evaluation, the new engineering background and professional education fusion depth on how to construct discipline competition system is put forward.
    A Survey of Chinese Learners Learning Anxiety in French Speaking Areas of West Africa and Coping Strategies --A Case Study of the Confucius Institute at AbomeyCalavi University in Benin
    QI Yi1, WANG Zili1, LEON2
    2020, 20(5):  98-104. 
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    Anxiety is common among foreign language learners in the process of second language acquisition.In order to solve the problem of Chinese learning anxiety among Chinese learners in French Speaking West Africa, this paper takes three Chinese undergraduate students from the Confucius Institute of AbomeyCalavi University in Benin to investigate.Through statistical analysis, it is found that most respondents have learning anxiety when learning Chinese, mainly because of being afraid of communicating in Chinese, being afraid of being evaluated negatively by others, and lacking confidence.This kind of learning anxiety leads to impatience or anxiety, poor comprehension and decreased attention, so it is necessary to adjust learning strategies and teaching strategies accordingly.
    On Construction of Competency Evaluation Model of Engineering Supervisor --A Case Study from Chongqing Jiaotong University
    ZHU Hongzhou, HU Chuan, YU Qing
    2020, 20(5):  105-112. 
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    The literature analysis approach was used to initially establish the dimensionality and index system of supervisor competence. The evaluation index system of supervisor competence, which included 4 groups and 22 competency characteristics, is formed by the collected data through questionnaires to analyze the factors. The engineering supervisor competence model was established through the investigation of the expert group, which was determined with the importance order of different indicators, and the weights of the engineering supervisor competence evaluation indicators along with the judgment matrix, which was constructed according to the analytic hierarchy process.