
Table of Content

    12 September 2022, Volume 22 Issue 5
    XI Jinpings Outstanding Contribution to Promoting the Cinicization of Marxism in the New Era
    DAI Xiaojiang, XIE Peng
    2022, 22(5):  1-7. 
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    XI Jinping is the leader of the Cinicization of Marxism in the new era. By promoting the “two combinations”, he has given the Cinicization of Marxism in the new era distinctive contents of the times and sounded the great trumpet to comprehensively promote the modernization of Marxism through the example of constantly developing a new realm of Marxist political economy in contemporary China. By integrating the power of the subject, it consolidated and strengthened the team of the main body of the Cinicization of Marxism and realized the upward and downward linkage. By deepening the understanding of the object, it has promoted an accurate grasp of the object of the Cinicization of Marxism and realized comprehensive innovation. By answering the question of the times of the Cinicization of Marxism, a new leap was achieved. These four aspects distinctly reflect XI Jinpings decisive role in promoting the Cnicization of Marxism to achieve a new leap.
    The Contemporary Enlightenment of the Historical Significance of the CPCs Centennial Struggle
    WU Chengguo
    2022, 22(5):  8-15. 
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    The Partys third historical resolution consists of five dimensions: the fate of the Chinese people, the way to national revival, theoretical power, worldwide influence and the forging of the Party. This resolution has explained the historical significance of the CPCs centennial struggle, fully displayed its firm historical selfconfidence, the high historical consciousness and the strong historical initiative, which inspires us on a new journey towards building a great modern socialist country in all respects to always maintain “people supremacy”, take the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, stick to the guiding position of Marxism, continue to work for world peace and development and ensure the Partys leadership role in all aspects and its “selftargeted revolution”.
    On the Coordination of Party rules and State Laws to Promote the Rule of Law of the Party Leadership
    WEI Yan
    2022, 22(5):  16-24. 
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    The legalization of the party leadership is to realize the clarity of the subject, the standardization of the behavior and the determination of the object in the internal leadership of the party, the party leadership of the organs of state power and the partys leadership of the social dimension. The legalization of the party leadership based on the practice of Chinese politics and rule of law needs to be promoted at both the level of internal party regulations and national laws. To promote the legalization of the party leadership in coordination with the party rules and state laws means to clarify the areas for adjustment of the party rules and state laws on the basis of adhering to the concept of the rule of law, and strengthen the cohesion and coordination between intra-party regulations and state laws. The peoples orientation of the party rules and state laws, the advanced nature of the party rules and state laws, and the different forms of the party rules and state laws constitute the logical basis for the coordinated promotion of the party rules and state laws. At present, we will further optimize and improve the partys internal leadership regulations, strengthen the construction of the party rules and state laws for the party to lead the organs of state power, and improve the party rules and state laws for the party to lead the society.
    Construction of the Communist Party of Chinas Guide Communitylevel Social Governance:Value, Connotation and Approach
    CHEN Jing
    2022, 22(5):  25-31. 
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    As the foot stone of the modernization of the national governance, that the Communist Party of China guides the communitylevel social governance is the basic project of the modernization of national governance system and governance capability. It is helpful to construct the modernization of national governance, to show the advantages of socialism system with Chinese characteristics, to promote the level of the construction of the Communist Party of China, to improve the modernization of the national governance efficiency. Idea, organization, system guarantee, innovation and culture guidance are all included in it. Deep operating mechanism,strong organizing capacity and collaborative governance model should be built to reach its realization.
    The Basic Connotation, Core Principles and Innovative Strategies of the Construction of Integrity Culture in Urban Communities in the New Era
    ZENG Youyi
    2022, 22(5):  32-37. 
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    The construction of an integrity culture in the new era is an important strategy for comprehensively and strictly administering the Communist Party of China. It is a fundamental measure to carry out the construction of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption. It is a basic project to promote “dare notcorruption,can not corruption and do not want to corruption”.The construction of urban community integrity culture is an important part of the construction of integrity culture in the new era. We should deeply grasp the basic connotation of the construction of urban community integrity culture in the new era and deeply understand the significance of the construction of urban community integrity culture in the new era.We should adhere to the principles of combining theory with practice, integrity with locality, subjectivity with dominance, and historicity with modernity.We should adhere to the principles of combining theory and practice, integrity and locality, subjectivity and dominance, and historicity and modernity. We should take the construction of systems and mechanisms as the basis, establish the concept of integrity as the core, innovate the activity carrier of the construction of integrity culture, enrich the content of the construction of integrity culture, make full use of new media and technologies, and take various forms, fully mobilize the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of urban community residents to participate in the construction ofintegrity culture, and promote the innovative development ofintegrity culture in urban communities in the new era.
    Passenger Complaint Analysis and Service Improvement of Civil Aviation Airport in China
    YANG Shenggui1,2, YANG Mengmeng3,4, XU Chang3
    2022, 22(5):  38-47. 
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    This paper selects 4083 passenger complaint data published by the Civil Aviation Administration of China from 2010 to 2018 to analyze the number and content characteristics of passenger complaints at civil aviation airports in China from two aspects of China and seven major regions of civil aviation. The study found that the number of complaints increased year by year, but the complaint rates increased faster, especially in Xinjiang, northeast and southwest China. And complaints mainly focus on security checks, checkin, shopping and catering services. Based on the results, this paper suggests to pay attention to the difference of complaint quantity and adopt the local characteristic service mode according to the actual situation of the region, pay attention to the content of hot complaints and do a good job in control and feedback, give full play to the strengths of employees and provide personalized, differentiated and customized services for passengers.
    Transformation and Upgrading of the Longdistance Passenger Transportation Industry in PostCovid19 Pandemic Era
    WU Yuanyuan
    2022, 22(5):  48-57. 
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    With the arrival of postCovid19 pandemic era, the market share decline of the longdistance passenger transportation industry has been accelerated. In order to provide scientific decisionmaking reference for the longdistance passenger transportation industry, this paper analyzed challenges as well as opportunities faced by the longdistance passenger transportation industry based on the market requirement change, and put forward the ideas and countermeasures of the transformation and upgrading of the longdistance passenger transportation industry in postCovid19 pandemic era. As the research indicated, the longdistance passenger transportation industry would transform and upgrade based on satisfying market requirement in postCovid19 pandemic era, promoting the main passenger transportation business as well as transboundary operation. Countermeasures were suggested towards seven directions: system planning, service concept transformation, management and control module upgrading, main business improvement, cooperation modes transformation, diversified transboundary operation development and brand image promoting.
    Dilemma of Cooperation Between Social Forces and Government in Rural Reconstruction in the Republic of China --Centered on YAN Yangchus Resignation from JCRR
    WANG Congying1,2
    2022, 22(5):  58-65. 
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    YAN Yangchu, the executive director of JCRR, was divorced from JCRR after leaving Taiwan for the United States on November 27, 1949. It resulted from many reasons. Firstly, YAN Yangchu was different with Chinese and American governments in underlying purpose of establishing JCRR. Secondly, the relationship between him and other important members was out of harmony in the organization. Thirdly, the view on rural reconstruction varied from YAN Yangchu to other important members in JCRR. YAN Yangchus resignation reflected the cooperation difficulties between the social forces represented by YAN Yangchu and the KMT government representing the national position in rural reconstruction. These difficulties determined the failure of their final cooperation.
    A Historical Review of the Study of Revolutionary Newspapers and Periodicals in Late Qing Dynasty
    ZHAO Chenyun
    2022, 22(5):  66-75. 
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    As an important medium to publicize revolutionary thought and build social public opinion, revolutionary newspapers and periodicals in late Qing dynasty have always been highly concerned by historians and journalists. Scholars of the Republic of China believed that revolutionary newspapers and periodicals had the merit of “creating the Republic of China”, and had conducted a preliminary combing and research on them. In the first three decades after the founding of new China, influenced by the research model of the Soviet Union, the academic circles generally labeled the revolutionary newspapers and periodicals of late Qing dynasty as bourgeois newspapers and periodicals, and most of the academic achievements were limited to the “paradigm of revolutionary history”. After the reform and opening up, the academic circles began to restudy the revolutionary newspapers and periodicals of late Qing dynasty with new theories and new angles. Especially after entering the 21st century, the research on the revolutionary newspapers and periodicals of late Qing dynasty was more comprehensive and indepth, and a large number of academic achievements emerged. Combing the research history of revolutionary newspapers and periodicals in late Qing dynasty can not only broaden the research vision of Chinese news history, but also be of great significance to further explore the social reform in Qing dynasty and the social thought of the Republic of China.
    Study on the Coordination Between Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policy --From the Perspective of Leverage Ratio
    WU Hengyu
    2022, 22(5):  76-81. 
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    Based on a theoretical framework of portfolio selection, this paper studies the specific strategies of coordination between monetary policy and macroprudential policy from the perspective of banks leverage ratio management. The study finds that its helpful to complement and strengthen the two types of policies, and achieve the goals of price stability and financial stability at the same time through managing the rate of change of banks leverage ratio: when economy is in a state of depression and monetary policy is loose, macroprudential policy should “first allow banks to increase leverage quickly, and then restrict the speed of leveraging”; when economy is overheated and monetary policy is tight, macroprudential policy should “restrain the speed of banks deleveraging first, and later allow faster deleveraging.”
    Bibliometric Visualization Analysis of Homestay Literature --Based on Web of Science and CSSCI Database
    DENG Min, LIANG Ouzi
    2022, 22(5):  82-91. 
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    This paper retrieves and combs the related literature of Web of Science and CSSCI through literature retrieval. The literature bibliometric visualization analysis method is used to analyze the research overview and hotspots of the homestay. And the hotspots of homestay related to Web of Science are analyzed from two aspects: homestay business management, tourist behavior. And the hotspots of homestay related to CSSCI are summarized from four aspects: homestay industry development and management, tourist behavior, homestay design, homestay spatial distribution. Finally, the conclusion is drawn from two aspects of research strength and research hotspot. And suggestions are given for integrating crossdisciplines and methods, innovative research theories and comprehensive Web of Science and CSSCI homestay research experience, etc, which may be a useful reference for the development of Chinas homestay research.
    “Literariness” of Comparative Literature
    TIAN Shiqi
    2022, 22(5):  92-98. 
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    With the trend of “turning inward” in literary research in the early 20th century, the analysis and study of literary text itself has become an important guide of literary criticism. And the concept of “literariness” put forward by Russian formalists has become an evergreen tree in literary research circle. “Literariness”, a literary research branch discipline of comparative literature, is in increasingly complex multicultural background with richer academic connotation, thus opens a field for the discipline of comparative literature and a more diverse academic dimensions, but keeping the “literariness”in the comparative literature studiesis our basic manner. Otherwise, a series of “discussions” in comparative literature will lose their due significance to some extent.
    Writing of Place in The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five
    2022, 22(5):  99-105. 
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    The Nobel prize winner Doris Lessing merges her diaspora experience into The Marriages Between Three, Four and Five, which describes the transition of three different zones from a closed state to a fluid state. From the perspective of place, this paper mainly discusses the place problems faced by AI·Ith and Ben as well as the changes in their relationship with place when in mobility from three aspectsof geographical self, sense of place, and meaning of place. The description of the migration process of the characters in the novel reflects the survival plight of people in the context of place mobility, which not only shows her deep concern for the relationship between man and place, but also indicates suggestions for modern society to consider it.
    “Antagonistic” Residencewriting in Frau Jenny Treibel
    FU Qi
    2022, 22(5):  106-112. 
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    Frau Jenny Treibel is a representative work of Theodor Fontane, the great master of German realistic Literature. In this work, the author particularly carefully depicts the two protagonists residences, namely the Treibels residence in the east of Berlin and the Schmidts residence in the old town, to vividly show the habits of the German civil class at the end of the 19th century. Meanwhile, in a kind of “antagonistic” spatial discourse, the author implies the differentiation between the propertied citizen class and the educated citizen class within the German bourgeoisie at that time.