重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2015, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (5): 97-100.

• 历史文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 曲靖师范学院 人文学院,云南 曲靖 655011
  • 收稿日期:2014-10-21 修回日期:2014-11-05 出版日期:2015-10-31 发布日期:2021-04-16
  • 作者简介:刘黎(1981-),女,云南曲靖人,曲靖师范学院人文学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:世界史。
  • 基金资助:

A Probe into the English Peasantry before and after the Black Death

LIU Li   

  1. (College of Humanities, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, Yunnan 655011, China)
  • Received:2014-10-21 Revised:2014-11-05 Online:2015-10-31 Published:2021-04-16

摘要: 黑死病是中世纪英国社会发展的重要分水岭,对英国社会由传统向现代转型具有重要影响,它是英国社会农奴制瓦解的重要因素,导致了英国社会封建主义危机的加深。但英国社会的变迁不是始于黑死病的“休克”转型,而是其前后社会发展长期演变的结果,农民从传统领主势力的控制之下解放出来,从社会底层逐渐走入历史发展的舞台,演变为社会发展的主导力量之一,促进了英国社会的整体转型。本文从长时段历史研究的视角阐述黑死病前后英国农民阶层的社会生活变化,探析黑死病与英国社会发展的影响关系,以求教于业内方家。

关键词: 黑死病, 农民, 社会转型

Abstract: The Black Death was an important watershed in the development of society of medieval England and had an important influence on the transition from the traditional to the modern society. It is an important factor to of the collapse of British serfdom and deepened the British Societys feudalist crisis. But the changes in British society did not begin with “shock” transformation of the Black Death, but were the results of the long term development of the society before and after it. The farmers were set free from the control of the traditional lords. They came to the historical stage from the bottom of the society. They became one of the main forces of social development and promoted the overall transformation of British society. The changes of the English peasantrys social life before and after the Black Death were elaborated from the angle of the long period of historical research. The relation between the Black Death and the British social development was explored for verification from the scholars in this field.

Key words: The Black Death, farmer, social transformation