›› 2016, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 92-99.

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First Spreading of Marxism with Heterogeneity in Chinas Geography Profession --Intellectual Historys Uncovering of Karl August Wittfogel and Chinese Geography Association

LONG Qixin   

  1. (Department of Philosophy, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
  • Received:2016-03-15 Online:2016-10-01 Published:2016-11-04

中国地理学界的马克思主义首传及其异质性 ——卡尔·魏特夫与上海“中华地学会”的思想史解蔽


  1. 中山大学 哲学系,广州 510275
  • 作者简介:龙其鑫(1988—),男,中山大学哲学系暨马克思主义与中国现代化研究所博士生,研究方向:中国马克思主义解释史。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In China, Chinese Geography Association was the first academic group to introduce Marxism into geography research. They especially pay attention to Marxist view of criticism about geography of Karl August Wittfogel who is the member of the Frankfurt school in Germany. In the socialist trend focusing on the Soviet Unions Marxism and Leninism, Chinese Geographic Association is a landscape heterogeneity of thought. So uncovering the history of ideas is conductive to enrich the history of Chinese Marxist propagation, and show the diversity and openness of early Chinese Marxism.

Key words: Chinese Geography Association, The Geography Quarterly, Karl August Wittfogel, heterogeneity, Marxism

摘要: 上海中华地学会成立于20世纪30年代初,是中国首个将马克思主义观点引入地理学的学术团体。他们在传播马克思主义之中,尤其注重对德国法兰克福学派成员卡尔·魏特夫关于地理学批判的马克思主义观点的引介,这在当时以苏联马列主义为主的社会思潮中可谓是一个异质性的思想景观,有着许多与苏联马列主义不同的理论特质。对这一段思想史的解蔽,有利于彰显中国马克思主义的多元性与开放性。

关键词: 中华地学会, 地学季刊, 卡尔·魏特夫, 异质, 马克思主义