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    20 September 2019, Volume 19 Issue 5
    A Retrospect of “No. 1 Document” and Its Corresponding Enlightenments for Implementing the Strategy of Rural Vitalization
    LU Xianghu
    2019, 19(5):  6-11. 
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    Since forty years of reform and opening up, there are 20 “No.1 Document” s released by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC) successively related to the topic of agriculture to promote the work of “three rural issues”——agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Based on a systematic review of major contents and policies of the No.1 Document, a periodic division of policy involvement on “three rural issues” is conducted, then characteristics of policy involvement on three rural issues are analyzed, finally several pieces of vital enlightenment for implementing the strategy of rural vitalization are summarized.
    Countermeasures to Improve the Trade Competitiveness of Fujians Automobile Industry Based on the Perspective of International Technological Innovation
    YU Yulan1, YANG Dianqing2
    2019, 19(5):  12-19. 
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    The automobile industry in Fujian province started relatively late, and the technological innovation in the automobile industry was relatively backward, which affected the improvement of the trade competitiveness of the automobile industry. Technological innovation is an important way to enhance product competitiveness. Therefore, innovationdriven development strategy should be implemented to increase independent technological innovation in the automobile industry, so as to achieve the goal of improving trade competitiveness of the automobile industry. The current situation of trade competitiveness of Fujian automobile industry is analyzed from the perspective of international technological innovation. The advantages and disadvantages are expounded. And reasonable suggestions are put forward from the perspective of technological innovation, so as to enhance the trade competitiveness of Fujian automobile industry and facilitate the development of Fujian automobile industry.
    Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Railway Enterprises
    LI Fei, LI Cong
    2019, 19(5):  20-25. 
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    Based on 865 questionnaires of railway enterprises, the relationship between organizational justice, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior is explored, and the influence of perceived fairness and organizational commitment on the work behavior enthusiasm of employees in this field is confirmed, providing empirical evidence and reference significance for the effective implementation of human resource management in railway enterprises. Through related variables, regression analysis found that organizational justice and organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior relationship exist positive correlation, and organizational commitment on organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in a significant intermediary role. In addition, the three dimensions of organizational justice aspects of organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment have positive correlation.
    Research on the Construction of Application System and Its Extension Countermeasures in Green Hotel Building Technology
    FU Yeqin1, CHEN Xuejun2, LUO Yanju1
    2019, 19(5):  26-34. 
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    Green hotel building is to meet the requirements of energy conservation, pollution reduction, and environmental protection, providing customers with healthy, safe and comfortable architectural space, and coexisting with the natural environment and social environment harmoniously of hotel buildings. Based on the green building technology at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of the hotel industry, and taking the hot summer and warm winter area as the research background, the application system of green hotel building technology is constructed for the planning & design, construction, opening preparation, daily operation and renovation & expansion stages. According to the stakeholder dimension of government, industry association, enterprise, customer and community residents, the application and extension countermeasures of green hotel building technology are put forward, which may contribute to the sustainable development of hotel industry.
    Research on Poverty Alleviation and Poverty Shakeoff in China since the 18th National Congress: Track, Hotspots and Trends --Visualization Analysis of Citespace Software Based on CSSCI Database
    CHENG Ming1, WU Bo2
    2019, 19(5):  35-44. 
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    Using Citespace software, this paper makes a visual analysis of the research results of poverty alleviation and poverty shakeoff in China since the 18th National Congress based on CSSCI database. It is found that the number of documents has increased significantly since the 18th National Congress. Precision poverty alleviation is the most heated in this field, and cooperation networks among scholars are widely distributed. The research results can be summarized into five knowledge domains: basic poverty theory, precise poverty alleviation mechanism, typical povertystricken areas, poverty shakeoff model construction and subject integration. Poverty alleviation and poverty shakeoff research in the context of the transformation of major social contradictions in the new era, the timing of reform and openingup and the implementation of rural revitalization strategy will become a research focus in this field.
    A Study of Hot Spots in Chinas Economic History Based on Citespace Analysis(1986—2018)
    BI Xuejin
    2019, 19(5):  45-52. 
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    Citespace is used to conduct quantitative analysis over the 2238 papers of literature of “Chinese Economic History Research” from 1986 to 2018. The hotspots issues and trends of the research on economic history Chinese changes are analyzed. The results show that: 1) The hot topics in the study of Chinese economic history are “labor”, “farmers”, “economic system” and other aspects; 2) The hot spots of the study are modern economic history, Ming and Qing economic history and the Song Dynasty economic history; 3) The hot domain of the study is the economic history of the Jiangnan region; 4)From the analysis of research centrality, “farmers” “agriculture”“financial management ” are the pivots and bridges of economic history research.
    Business Model Practice Based on the Inclusive Growth Strategy --A Case from Traditional Textile
    WANG Mian1, HUANG Ying1, LI Jianming2, MO Zhongju2
    2019, 19(5):  53-61. 
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    Innovating the economic development model to enhance the quality of economic growth is the strategic orientation of Chinas current economic development. Inclusive growth is a good way to achieve a positive interaction between enterprises and the society. Based on the theory of CSR and inclusive growth, the textile industrys innovation process is analyzed, the implementation framework of inclusive growth and value-creation path is explored: innovating continuously in technology, keeping the advantages in the supply chain to integrate resources, improving the efficiency through technology transfer and management innovation, increasing supply chain value creation capabilities, stimulating innovation in the supply chain, and realizing value creation sustainability, finally achieving inclusive development of corporation and society.
    Visual and Ethic Writing in Iraq War Novel The Yellow Birds under the Context of Images
    WANG Xiangmin, LI Shuling
    2019, 19(5):  62-67. 
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    As a novel fictionalizing Iraq war, Kevin Powers The Yellow Birds brings Americas War on Terror back to the post9/11 literary circle, and back to the readers ethical view. Based on the post9/11 context of images, this paper, with its focus on the visual and ethical dimensions, uncovers that Powers satirizes and overturns the official visual means, which accordingly demonstrates the utter disruption between images and reality, and crushes the visual and ethical illusion of just war theory, finally visualizing the Other in the literary exploration of post9/11 novels, and bringing the precarious and grievable nature of the Others life into the ethical reflection of human wars.
    Marilyn Chins Poetry: Three Phases
    LIU Liping
    2019, 19(5):  68-72. 
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    Marilyn Chins writing goes through three phases from the perspective of feminism, ethnicity and identity. In the first phase, she wanted to blend in “the great tradition” of white literature through “selfveiling”, but she couldnt escape the cultural nostalgia; in the second phase, she paid attention to selfidentity and self liberation and tried to fight for female ChineseAmericans; in the third period, she intends to use a range of modes and technique of literature without confining to only one aesthetic. The ultimate goal is to unite different traditions and cultures.
    The Gaze of Portrait in Volcano Lover
    LI Jing1, ZHANG Yixin2
    2019, 19(5):  73-78. 
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    Emma, the heroine of Volcano Lover, was originally a portrait model, and later married to the Cavaliere. The Cavaliere invited many famous portrait painters to paint for her. It can be said that portraits are a very important subject in the novel, and the model Emma is placed in the object position, thus consolidating the status of her as the other. Having internalized the male gaze, she actively cooperated with the painter who portraited her, and the painter took full advantage of the viewers gaze under the influence of his subjective consciousness, and finally completed an autonomous portrait. The portrait as the subject eventually becomes the gaze, opening to the viewer and awakening the viewers “self”.
    “Education in Fun” and the Value Realization of Childrens Literature --Taking The Crying Falcon
    CAI Mingyan
    2019, 19(5):  79-86. 
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    Since the publication of The Crying Falcon, the book has won the Wenjin Book Award, The Best Childrens Book of the Year and other awards. By analyzing the reasons for its wide acclaim, it is found that the book combines interest and knowledge, and “fun” and “education” are perfectly combined in the book, so that both old and young readers can benefit from the pleasure of reading. The Crying Falcon is a childrens literary work that runs through psychology, intercepts the daily story in the process of childrens growth as the carrier, completes the realization of the value of childrens literature “education in fun”, and may also provides reference for the creation of childrens literature in China.
    On the Evaluative Mechanism of Graduation in Multimodal News Pictures
    ZHANG Huanyu
    2019, 19(5):  87-92. 
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    News reports inevitably feature certain subjectivity, which is not only limited to texts, pictures and other graphic elements can also convey reporters attitudes and viewpoints, so multimodal evaluation has become a research focus. The evaluation theory proposed by Martin & White can effectively reveal the attitudes and positions in news discourses. According to the theory, graduation, which signifies the hierarchy of evaluational meaning, permeates both attitude and engagement, thus it is of vital importance. In this study, the working mechanism of pictures graduation system in multimodal news discourses is discussed, and multimodal news reports in authoritative media are analyzed for case study.
    Research on English Academic Writing Based on Trinity MultiDimensional Teaching Mode
    ZHANG Zhouyi1, YANG Cihang2
    2019, 19(5):  93-100. 
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    Oriented by circular mode of readingtranslatingwriting on English professional literatures, “trinity” multidimensional teaching mode for English Academic Writing was built tentatively with the combination of contentbased instruction, genrebased teaching approaches, and cooperative learning method. Students could acquire capacity of written communication skills dependent on cooperation of English teachers, professional tutors and graduates with taskcentered requirements.
    Statistical Visualized Analysis of Research Literature on Aphasia of Chinese Culture Based on CKNI Database
    ZHAO Yingji
    2019, 19(5):  101-107. 
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    Based on the literature retrieval function and resource of statistical visualized analysis in CNKI Database, statistical visualized analysis has been conducted of research literature on aphasia of Chinese culture at home, and the status quo of researches on aphasia of Chinese culture has been analyzed so as to propose some effective countermeasures and suggestions as to the solution to aphasia of Chinese culture in foreign language context.
    Exploration and Construction of the Talent Training and Course System of Mechanical Engineering under the Concept of “Innovation and Creation”
    CAO Yuanwen, XU Xiangyang, LUO Jiayuan
    2019, 19(5):  108-113. 
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    In view of the current situation of talent training in mechanical engineering, focusing on the mechanical engineering of Chongqing Jiaotong University, the talent training curriculum is reformed and explored under the concept of “Innovation and Creation”. The threelevel theoretical knowledge platform and the fourlevel practical teaching platform centered on improving the ability of dualcreative talents were constructed. The theoretical teaching system of “platform + module + series courses” and the practical teaching system with “step by step+increasing ability” were explored and established, which provides a constructive idea for the quality improvement of talent training.
    The Construction Path of Teaching Staff in Western Local Colleges and Universities under the Background of “Double FirstClass” --A Case Study of Chongqing Jiaotong University
    ZENG Lingbin, CHEN Qinyong
    2019, 19(5):  114-118. 
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    The construction of “double firstclass” has triggered a fierce talent war in China and the frequent career mobility of highlevel talents has become a new phenomenon. Under the background of “double firstclass” construction, western local colleges and universities are in a weak position in the increasingly fierce talent war. At the same time, they are faced with the obstacles of salary system, insufficient funds for introduction, the total amount of establishment and the number of posts, etc. Under the new background, Chongqing Jiaotong university has accelerated the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the university with talents, vigorously implemented the “highlevel talent introduction and training program” “talent development plan” “doctoral and international project”, actively explored new models for the construction of firstclass teachers, and comprehensively strengthened the construction of talent team.
    Research on Innovative Mode of Colleges Scientific Research Archives Management in the Information Age
    PENG Hong
    2019, 19(5):  119-124. 
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    Scientific research archives management refers to a special work of managing the scientific and technological archives entities, and developing or utilizing the information. The selection and orientation of the management mode of scientific research archives is an issue that the relevant researchers have been studying.At first, this paper introduces the connotation of scientific research archives management system and the basic characteristics of the information age. Then it analyses the shortcomings of the traditional scientific research archives management mode in five aspects. And it discusses the innovative path of the scientific research archives management mode in the information age. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions for improving the relevant management works.