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    20 November 2019, Volume 19 Issue 6
    The Major Social Contradictions and the Mission of the Ruling Party in the New Era
    DOU Yongchao1,2
    2019, 19(6):  1-6. 
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    The changes in the main contradictions of society reflect the fact that economic, political and cultural factors have changed under certain social and historical conditions. It is the objective basis for the Chinese Communist Party of China to correctly establish its historical mission. The Communist Party of China has combined the major social contradictions at different historical stages with the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to find the mission entrusted by the times. In the new era, the Communist Party of China scientifically grasps the new changes in the main contradictions of society, and thus establishes its mission as “four greats”. The two are related to each other. The former is the important basis of the latter, and the latter is the only way for the former. The two are unified in the national conditions of the primary stage of socialism.
    Local Legislation in Social Science Popularization in China: Dynamics, Patterns and Trends
    LIU Yu
    2019, 19():  7-14. 
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    At present, local legislation is prosperous in the field of popularization of social sciences. The implementation of the concept of governing the country according to the laws, the maintenance of constitutional rights, the pursuit of social public interests, and the governance of contradictions have provided multiple impetus to such legislation. From a practical point of view, the local legislative model for the popularization of social sciences is mainly divided into two categories: special legislation and inclusive legislation, and the legislative styles are also different. In terms of trends, special legislation has gradually evolved into a mainstream model of social science popularization of local legislation. The main body of the social science popularization legislation and the form of the system are converging. Local legislation also focuses on problemoriented, and promote the development of legislation in the direction of refinement.
    An Analysis of Teaching Mode for Social Work Course by Applying Lecture Method --Taking “Human Behavior and Social Environment” as a Research Case
    LI Ying
    2019, 19(6):  15-19. 
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    Lecture method, on the premise of ensuring the traditional role of teaching course featuring “led by teachers, and involved by students”, is a teaching method endeavoring to improve classroom efficiency by tapping the performing capabilities of teachers on and off the platform. Lecture method entails a combination of teachers skillsmoral charisma, erudite knowledge and sound podium manners, which is rightly contrary to such teaching tropism as excessively relying on software teaching, and turning a blind eye to teachers control abilities. In terms of on the platform, it could meet a series of requirements such as lecturestyle presentation without an unscripted text, showing respect to the audiences, and exhibiting passion and imposing manners; while, regarding off the platform, it could satisfy corresponding requirements such as lecturestyle content, training and assessment. More importantly, teachers shall strive to make what they lecture accord with their thoughts rather than willfully seek hypocrisy by stage performers.
    The New Dimension of Contemporary Art: “Online Art”
    SONG Gang1, SONG Lunzhen2
    2019, 19(6):  21-26. 
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    Online art has become a new landscape of contemporary art. It refers to the relationship between the contemporary art and the traditional offline art, the context of the context, but from the morphological point of view, this difference is based on the Internet society as a critical entry into the network art sociology. Naturally, the “problem consciousness” in the sociology of online art is the core of “online art”. Since the twentyfirst century, “virtual reality” has become the norm in life. The new dimension of contemporary art: the introduction and dissemination of the concept of “online art” promotes the change of contemporary art form. The reconstruction of contemporary art by “online art” is more of a connection between the concept and mode of visual image and visual culture and the artistic thinking under the scene of network art sociology, so as to enter the network society scene. That is the network world under the network form.
    Beyond the Selfimages: The Context and Development of Animated Documentaries in Sweden
    AJANOVIC Midhat Ajan(UK)1, GUO Chunning(Trans.)2
    2019, 19(6):  27-35. 
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    It seems that the first decades of the new millennium has brought a small renaissance of documentaries, especially those that combine live action and animated pictures and even those visualised totally by employment of some animation technique. My concern in the following essay is a conspicuous propensity in Swedish animation toward animated documentary. In my view Sweden is the country that, besides Canada and Great Britain, has developed the most prolific production of films that merge documentary purposes and animated imagery. The essay is composed of three parts. In the beginning I am going to define animated documentary, as I understand it. Swedish animation and documentary history is roughed out in the second part of the text putting emphasis on certain features that might be the base for the development of the animated documentary. Finally, the last part focuses first on some factors in its production and social background that, at least partly, explain why the animated documentary is a prominent feature on the Swedish animation scene and, lastly, I point up some films and filmmakers that eminently represent the genre.
    Bajaja: Czech Myths and Memories, from Animation to the Stage and Beyond
    BELLANO Marco(UK)1, ZHAO Xuetong(Trans.)2
    2019, 19(6):  36-40. 
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    From 1945 to 1965 Václav Trojan, one of the foremost Czech composers of the 20th century, collaborated with master animator JiArˇ1í Trnka on a series of stopmotion animated films, which later gained a reputation as some of the finest outcomes of Czech art in the aftermath of WWII.Trojan kept reworking his film music into new concert pieces well after Trnkas demise. The experimental features of those arrangements testify a strenuous research on musical dramaturgy, which transfigured Trnkas poetics and their take on Czech myths and folklore.The article studies how Trojans interpretation of Trnkas style perpetuated and enriched the image of the mythic past of the Czech nation constructed by their animated films, by referring to several compositions related to Trnkas film Bajaja (1950).
    Criticism of “False Reality” Phenomenon in Realistic TV Series
    YAN Wei1, ZHANG Jiaxin2, SHAO Jiang3
    2019, 19(6):  41-46. 
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    In recent years, the realistic TV series have quietly returned to Chinese TV screens and have risen rapidly, but they have come with a variety of “pseudorealism”. In order to evade the “pseudorealism” phenomenon of realistic TV series, the creators should go deeply into the people, take root in life, use the “artisan spirit” to patiently polish the works, directly hit the hot spots and pain points in the social transformation, and create works that resonate with the people and the times. Relevant management departments should also give appropriate guidance on policies and strengthen implementation, and jointly promote the healthy and benign development of the realistic TV series to “winnow truth from falsehood”.
    Supply Mode and Government Regulation of Shared Bicycles
    LI Pandao1, SONG Yeqin2
    2019, 19(6):  47-53. 
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    With the rise of the sharing economy and the “Internet+”, shared bicycles as a new urban public transport and a new way of short distance trip, effectively solved the problem of “the last mile” for public travel. But with the influx of shared bicycle industry capital and the lack of government regulation, it has some problems that need to be solved urgently, such as vicious competition and contradiction between supply and demand. Therefore, on the basis of defining the attributes of shared bicycle, this paper analyzes the supply mode and problems in the course of development of shared bicycle and analysis on the path of optimizing the supply mode of shared bicycles from the angle of government, in order to promote the rational allocation of resources and give full play to the efficiency of sharing bicycles to benefit the people.
    Analysis of Road Traffic Time Characteristic and Influencing Factors in Chongqings Main Urban Area
    WU Xiangguo, ZHANG Jiansong, DAI Xuhao
    2019, 19(6):  54-59. 
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    Traffic performance index is a key index to evaluate the traffic operation of urban roads. Based on the data of 2018 annual traffic performance index in Chongqings main urban area, this paper summarizes the time characteristic of the road traffic performance index in terms of quarters, weeks and working days, analyzes the influences of holidays, weather, bridge restriction, and the opening of bus lanes on the traffic performance index, and studies the significant differences of various influencing factors by means of oneway ANOVA, so as to provide reference for the application of traffic planning and management projects.
    Research on Water Traffic Safety Supervision System of Landlocked Waters
    ZHANG Guomin1,YAN Jun2,BI Bo2, ZHANG Min2
    2019, 19(6):  60-64. 
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    The existing problems are analyzed, focusing on the present situation of water traffic safety supervision in landlocked waters. The safety supervision system is proposed, then the overall planning and network structure of the system are designed. The system is divided into four functional modules and the specific function of each module are analyzed, which lays a foundation for the development and expansion of the system.
    The Philosophical Thought of Japanese Mulaiha Literatures Writer Sakaguchi Ango
    REN Jianghui
    2019, 19(6):  65-70. 
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    Sakaguchi Ango is one of the most representative writers in Japanese mulaiha literature ideological trend. His philosophy is reflected not only in his daily life, but also in his literary criticism, novels, essays and other literary works. His philosophical thoughts mainly include “lonely” philosophy, “rebel” philosophy, “fallen” philosophy and other connotations. And the generation and formation of these philosophical connotations are closely related to the family environment and social environment. Therefore, to accurately understand the connotation of Sakaguchi Angos philosophical thought, it is necessary to keep close to the historical context in which he lives and combine it with the literary analysis of literary works, so as to truly grasp the core of his philosophical thought.
    The Power of the Helpless --On Wordsworths Romantic Insight from“The Old Cumberland Beggar”
    CHEN Jiangyue1, CHEN Caiyi2
    2019, 19(6):  71-75. 
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    After a strong disease from following the French revolution and Godwins social ideas, William Wordsworth went back home and heard the sad music of humanity from the ordinary peoples life and found his poetic themes. He described a series of the miserable life of the mean people, of which “The Old Cumberland Beggar” is the most Wordsworthian. The helpless old beggar has an unusual power. He not only called up peoples sympathy, promoted the spread of concern and love, raised the virtue of the benefactor, kept the traditional custom, but also gave the poet a romantic insight of the divine relationship between man and nature.
    Translators Ideology: Nicky Harman as a Case Study in Happy Dreams
    LIU Guijie
    2019, 19(6):  76-81. 
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    The release of Happy Dreams around the globe offers an opportunity to probe into Harman and her translated works. As is well accepted, balance and/or choice between cultural identity and foreign acceptance become the focus of translators after the cultural turn. To reconstruct identity of translators, the necessity coming from decentered, multiple and fragmented information, should take text, context and culture into account. This paper probes into Nicky Harman, translator of Happy Dreams, and tries to make a formula during the postmulticultural era that domestic acceptance when in crosscultural transmission by literature is the first and foremost consideration.
    A Review of the Research Status of Tanghua Data in China
    LI Fuping
    2019, 19(6):  82-89. 
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    The abundant Tanghua data in the Edo period of Japan are of great value in the study of Chinese. Although there are relevant studies carried out in both China and Japan, the comprehensive introduction of the research status of Tanghua data is still far from sufficient. Therefore, it is a meaningful precondition to clarify its research status in China. In terms of investigating studies about the exploration and collation of Tanghua data, and the achievements of linguistic analysis on it, we can see that there are still some problems in the domestic research status, such as insufficient research findings in total which are disproportionately distributed in various research fields, as well as inadequate exploitation of the data. Referring to these possible problems, we can conduct more specialized researches concentrating on Tanghua data in the future.
    A Review and Discussion on Wolfgang Lrschers Rudimentary Ability to Mediate Hypothesis
    GAO Nan
    2019, 19(6):  90-95. 
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    This paper reviews the “rudimentary ability to mediate” hypothesis proposed by Wolfgang Lrscher, and further discusses the limitations from two aspects: one is the lack of conspicuous definitions of the ability hereof for different groups; the other is a relatively plain description on the translation processing against professional and nonprofessional translators.
    On the Threedimensional Construction of Ideological and Political Work System in Art Colleges and Universities
    PENG Linquan
    2019, 19(6):  96-101. 
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    Running the ideological and political work system through the whole process of higher art education is both the need of art talents training and the need to solve practical problems. Systematically and effectively constructing the ideological and political education work system with characteristics from the three dimensions of pringciple, mechanism and work team can provide practical paths for art universities to strengthen and improve their work in the new era. To be specific, a clearcut political vision is the ultimate governing principle,a longterm mechanism must be put in place,a fundamental safeguard is to build a professional team and a nonprofessional team.
    The Optimization Path of College Students Mainstream Ideology Education Carrier in “Internet+” Time
    CHEN Yan, YANG Jiaxuan, XIAO Yu, ZHENG Zhiling
    2019, 19(6):  102-108. 
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    Ideological work is the key work of the Party. In order to do a good job, it is necessary to optimize the mainstream ideological education carrier, to realize the core values of socialism to unite people and lead the society. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the educational carrier of mainstream ideology in the Internet+ era,the basic principles should be followed while expounding the necessity of mainstream ideology. Finally, five optimization strategies for strengthening Internet construction, enhancing Internet settings, highlighting Internet traits, consolidating Internet effectiveness, and innovating Internet thinking are proposed in order to better consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology.
    Research on the Training of Engineering Practice and Innovation Ability of Master Degree Engineering Majors Based on the IndustryCollegeInstitute Cooperation
    WANG Ligang
    2019, 19(6):  109-112. 
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    At present, the important task of postgraduate education in China is to actively construct the mode of training fulltime master degree postgraduates innovative practical ability under the guidance of cultivating professional ability, combining industry, university and research. Constantly improve the training quality and level of graduate students majoring in engineering. Therefore, this paper introduces the practical significance of the combination of industryuniversityresearch for the training model, and deeply analyzes the present situation of the training model of the combination of industryuniversityresearch. On this basis, it puts forward some concrete measures to improve the innovation and practice ability of graduate students with professional degrees.