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    10 February 2023, Volume 23 Issue 1
    Review of the Status Quo of “Two Roads” Spiritual Research
    WANG Rong, YANG Xin
    2023, 23(1):  1-9. 
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    The “two roads” spirit has attracted wide attention from the society and academia as soon as it was put forward. The research on the “two roads” spirit is mainly carried out from three dimensions of ontology cognition, value grasp and practical application on historical traceability, connotation characteristics, dialectical comparison and humanistic excavation. At the same time, there are also deficiencies such as insufficient system of academic research subjects and insufficient broad horizon. In the future, research on the origin, connotation and value of the times of the “two roads” spirit, and innovating the promotion path research of the “two roads” spirit will help understand and carry forward the “two roads” spirit more systematically, realize the spiritual value of the “two roads” more efficiently, and promote the study of the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists.
    Forging the Sense of Community of the Chinese Nation: A Reinterpretation of the Contemporary Value of the“Two Roads” Spirit
    XIANG Lulin, Guo Langbo
    2023, 23(1):  10-16. 
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    The “two roads” spirit was a spiritual force that general secretary XI Jinping has condensed and emphasized many times, and it was also the spiritual symbol of national unity and unified efforts to build new China and the concentrated manifestation of the sense of community of the Chinese nation. The “two roads”spirit was formed in the transition period of the Communist Party of China from revolution to construction. It was a spiritual lineage category emerging in the field of transportation construction in new China, which takes the unity and common prosperity of the Tibetan and Han nationality as the core. In the new era, further study of the “two roads”spirit from the perspective of “forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation” will help expand the research horizon and interpretation space of the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists, and help grasp the main line of the party’s ethnic work in the new era to promote the construction of the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation.
    On the Realization Path of Promoting the Popularization of “Two Roads”Spirit in the New Era
    YE Yong, FAN Xinyou, SONG Bo
    2023, 23(1):  17-24. 
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    The “two roads” spirit is one of the important contents of the spiritual pedigree of the first batch of Chinese Communists. Promoting the popularization of the “two roads” spirit in the new era is conducive to deepening the publics rational understanding of the spiritual connotation of the “two roads”, enhancing the publics emotional recognition of the “two roads” spirit, and improving the publics consciousness of practicing the “two roads” spirit. In view of the problems existing in the publicity and promotion of the “two roads” spirit, we must adhere to the principle of the people and promote the vivid expression of the “two roads” spirit, adhere to the principle of acceptability and promote the diversification of the dissemination and promotion of the “two roads” spirit, adhere to the principle of integration, and promote the production and daily life of the practice process of the “two roads” spirit.
    Cultivation of Peasants Credit Ability and Rejuvenation of Rural Areas in Modern China: Further Study of the Movement of Fostering Peasant Proprietors
    WU Luwei
    2023, 23(1):  25-33. 
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    The depletion of rural finance and lack of land credit was one of the important reasons of the concentration of land and the prevalence of usury in the rural modern China. In order to revitalize the countryside, the movement of fostering peasant proprietors led by the national government and its official school promoted the creditization of land and fostered peasant proprietors so as to finally transfer land ownership to peasants. Moreover, the movement enlivened rural finance and improved the credit ability of peasants in some areas.However,the actual operation of the amortization credit mechanism showed that the cultivation of peasants credit ability was not only about the transfer of land rights, but also required the dual support of financial and administrative power, and needed to strengthen the awareness of land property rights and the spirit of the market contract.
    Practice Reflection and System Remolding of Procuratorial Investigation and Verification in Public Interest Litigation
    LI Jiali
    2023, 23(1):  34-41. 
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    The proper usage of investigation and verification right has an impact on the exertion of procuratorial function in public interest litigation. In practice, such singlemode applicable mean, absence of mandatory measures and inadequate assorted mechanism failure to bear the burden of proof in public interest litigation regarding the procuratorial offices. Extensive textual analyses on local laws or government regulations across 26 different provinces, and positive experience about procuratorial investigation in public interest litigation is concluded at multiple dimensions from applicable regulation manner and mandatory refinement measure to the improvement of supporting mechanism in investigation and verification, portraying the inevitable routine to operating safeguard of investigation and verification right.
    EUs IndoPacific Strategy and Its Enlightenment to China
    ZHANG Xuxu
    2023, 23(1):  42-50. 
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    After the major EU countries successively launched the IndoPacific strategy, the IndoPacific strategy at the EU level was also announced. The purpose of the EU IndoPacific strategy is to cope with and surpass the competition between China and the United States, and attach importance to cooperation with IndoPacific partners to achieve its own strategic goals. The ultimate goal is to maintain its central position as a pole of the world economy and science and technology. In view of this, China should pay close attention to the new strategic trends of the EU in the IndoPacific, deepen cooperation and exchanges with the EU, enhance strategic and political mutual trust, and strengthen ChinaEU cultural exchanges on this basis. On the other hand, China also should deepen cooperation with IndoPacific countries to create a favorable surrounding development environment, and earnestly safeguard Chinas national interests.
    Analysis of the Impact of RussiaUkraine Conflict on Chinese Shipping Industry Based on WSR Methodology
    LIANG Jing, GONG Yijing, CHEN Wei
    2023, 23(1):  51-59. 
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    In the short term, the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will lead to soaring prices of crude oil, natural gas and food around the world and disrupt the rhythm of global trade. On the basis of studying the current situation of RussiaUkraine conflict and the trade situation between the two countries and China, based on WSR methodology, this paper analyzes the impact of RussiaUkraine conflict on Chinas shipping industry, including the increase of import and export trade costs, the forced change of transport routes, the increase of freight prices due to the shortage of transport capacity, the threat to transport security and the increase of the potential of SinoRussian shipbuilding cooperation. Based on the above influences, corresponding suggestions and countermeasures are put forward for Chinas shipping industry in the face of local wars, so as to advance Chinas layout in the uncertain international situation in the future and enhance its ability to avoid risks.
    On Recovery and Development Strategy of Chinas Civil Aviation Industry
    WANG Zhiyu, ZHENG Yinger
    2023, 23(1):  60-66. 
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    The civil aviation industry is an important engine for economic development and social transformation and upgrading,and plays an important strategic leading role.Taking the current normalization of epidemic prevention and control as the background, this paper fully considers the main influencing factors such as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine,and the Eastern Airlines passenger plane accident, and comprehensively explains the development status and the main problems of Chinas civil aviation industry. Based on SWOT analysis, this paper systematically analyzes the internal and external environment of Chinas civil aviation development, and summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of Chinas civil aviation industry, as well as the opportunities and threats. Finally, in view of the current situation and development environment of Chinas civil aviation industry, this paper puts forward some suggestions to provide reference ideas for the civil aviation industry to get out of difficulties and resume development.
    Controlling Shareholders Share Pledge and Accounting Information Transparency Based on the Moderating Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility
    ZHANG Xianhua, LU Kan
    2023, 23(1):  67-76. 
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    Taking Ashare listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2020, this paper empirically analyzes the influence of controlling shareholders share pledge on accounting information transparency and the moderating role of corporate social responsibility between the two. The results indicate that compared with the companies without controlling shareholders share pledge, the accounting information transparency of the companies with controlling shareholders share pledge is lower. And the higher the share pledge ratio, the lower the transparency. At the same time, corporate social responsibility has a restraining effect on this, and the restraining effect is more significant in nonstateowned enterprises. The conclusions have enlightenment for improving the internal and external corporate governance and promoting the stable and healthy development of capital market.
    Influence of Intergenerational Mobility of Education on the Subjective Wellbeing of Offspring An Empirical Study Based on CGSS2017
    ZHOU Wei, MA Hongru
    2023, 23(1):  77-85. 
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    Subjective wellbeing is an individual’s overall evaluation of their own quality of life, which is affected by many factors. Based on the survey data of China General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2017, this paper studies the effect of intergenerational mobility of education on the subjective wellbeing of offspring. The results show that the higher the education level of parents, the greater the possibility of children achieving upward mobility in education, and the higher the children’s subjective wellbeing of offspring. Relevant recommendations are suggested at the governmental, societal and individual levels.
    “Argue in Accordance with the Classic” and “Absorb a Variety of Resources” On the Theoretical Construction Way of Wenxindiaolong
    ZHU Gongluo
    2023, 23(1):  86-96. 
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    The question of how Wenxindiaolong dealt with all kinds of book resources is deeply studied from the perspective of theoretical construction model. On the whole, “Argue in accordance with the classic” is the most prominent theoretical construction paradigm of the book.On the other hand, Wenxindiaolong has also absorbed the beneficial elements of Weishu, Chuci, Zishu, historial books and the literary criticism of previous dynasties. The opinion of “the relationship between ‘the strange’ and ‘the normal’” is LIU Xies principle to deal with the relationship between “accordance with the classic” and “widespread adoption” , which contains three aspects connotations: “the strange” and “the normal” coexist, “hold the normal to control the strange” and “abandon the strange according to the normal”. Such a model of theoretical construction as “argue in accordance with the classic” and meantime “absorb a variety of resources” eventually led to Wenxindiaolongs covering the widest possible range.
    On SU Shis Inheritance and Change of BAI Juyis Tea Poems
    WU Jialu
    2023, 23(1):  97-105. 
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    Due to the same experience of relegation, seeking a way to escape from setbacks and pursuing a simple and comfortable life, SU Shi regarded BAI Juyi as one of his spiritual mentors. Both BAI and SU loved tea. SUs tea poems inherited the expression content and artistic characteristics of BAIs. SU accepted BAIs method of comparing tea with wine, believing that tea was a symbol of leisure life, and transforming BAIs poems of planting pine and other plants as a kind of tea poems to express his political pursuit. Compared with BAIs poems, SUs tea poems enriched the artistic connotation of tea as a literary image, highlighting the dynamics of tea poems, painting tea with more detailed language, and tightening the relationship between tea and a poets self.
    Construction and Writing Limitations of New Woman in La Virgen Prudente
    FU Shuhua, XIA Xiyao,
    2023, 23(1):  106-112. 
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    In the Spanish society of the early 20th century, under the influence of the feminist movement, discussions about the female model began. Concha Espina, who was at the same time as the “98 generation”, was one of the first women in Spain to make a living by writing. Her portrayal of new woman in La Virgen Prudente showed the contemporaries of middleclass women, the pursuit of female identity with a wider dimension, and the dilemma encountered by the new female identity in a conservative cultural atmosphere.