
Table of Content

    12 April 2023, Volume 23 Issue 2
    Jurisprudence of a Better Life in the New Era: Theoretical Logic and Its Development
    YANG Yao
    2023, 23(2):  1-9. 
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    A better life in the new era, as a compound concept of legal politics, is the response of the party and the state to the higherlevel happy life yearned for by the people. However, as a systematic project and system construction, the realization of multidimensional good life patterns including economy, politics, culture, society and ecology in the new era must take law as an effective guarantee means. Therefore, in the process of constructing the new era of a better life system, through XI Jinpings rule of law thought, we can draw a conclusion that a better life in the new era should contain the legal implications of “peopleoriented” “good law and good governance” and “fairness and justice”. And since they have an internal logical relationship between the past and the future in the construction of a better life in the new era, clarifying their logical status has profound theoretical significance and practical value for the realization of a better life in the new era that the people yearn for.
    Essence of the Times of Chinese Culture and Chinese Spirit
    DENG Xianchao, YANG Xin
    2023, 23(2):  10-16. 
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    This thought takes the great national spirit as its spiritual source, the great revolutionary spirit as its spiritual character, and the spirit of reform and innovation as its spiritual pursuit. It is the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit. This thought is not only the contemporary Chinese Marxism with national characteristics, but also the 21st century Marxism with the world in mind. It answers the questions of China and the world, realizes the organic unity of the national character and the times, and represents a new leap forward in the sinicization of Marxism.
    Evolution and Structural Analysis of Overall National Security Concept
    WAN Zhengyi, PAN Yanyan, HUANG Yao
    2023, 23(2):  17-25. 
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    The overall concept of national security has rich connotations, and an indepth interpretation of it is conducive to the full implementation of its important ideas in practical work.This paper screens and sorts out 779 XI Jinpings important discussions on overall national security concept in the past 40 years. It also analyzes word frequency and coding with NVivo12 software. It is found that the development of the overall national security concept has gone through the embryonic stage, the formation stage and the deepening stage. It is embedded with three dimensions: security thought, security field and security strategy. The overall national security concept has built a security concept with the people as the center, defined the security connotation with development, and defined the security strategy with the winwin cooperation of the community of shared future of mankind, which has surpassed the security theories of western countries and formed Chinese characteristics.
    A Study of Rules in Personal Information Processing A Perspective of Balance of Interests
    XIE Xiao1,2
    2023, 23(2):  26-35. 
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    Personal information carries multiple interests, and its processing tends to cause conflicts of interest among individuals, organizations, society and the country. This might be attributed to unclear connotation and denotation of personal information as well as its nonstandard processing.In the processing of personal information, finding common ground for all parties in line with the value of balance of interests is an effective way to eliminate conflicts of interest.In the interpretation and application of personal information processing rules, balance of interests is the goal. On the basis of “legality, legitimacy, necessity, and integrity”, we should accurately grasp the requirements of application and exceptions to the “informed consent” rule, strengthen the protection of sensitive information, promote the use of general information, and standardize personal information processing behavior,thus achieving a dynamic balance between personal information protection and appropriateuse of information.
    Initial Efforts and Practice of Chinese Railway Towards High Speed in 1978—1992
    ZHANG Baoyun
    2023, 23(2):  36-45. 
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    Improving railway operation speed is an important goal of Chinese railway people. After the reform and opening up, the “high speed railway whirlwind” triggered by DENG Xiaopings visit to Japan opened the prelude of domestic railway speed increase. With the intensification of contradiction between railway traffic volume and capacity, the construction of high speed railway has become a hot topic of social concern in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Chinese government started the preliminary preparation and technological research work for BeijingShanghai high speed railway, and completed the project of the first quasi high speed railway in China, which has provided important technical accumulation and experience for high speed railway, giving birth to the initial gene for the success of Chinas high speed railway.
    Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Shipping Accessibility of Chinas Coastal Provincial Combined Ports
    LI Lulu1, PAN Jingjing1,2,3, HU Xisheng1
    2023, 23(2):  45-52. 
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    Provincial integration reform in the port industry drives the formation of provincial combined ports. In order to clarify the position of Chinas coastal provincial combined ports in the domestic and international port system, this paper takes 11 combined ports as the research object, collects the data of port throughput and liner shipping services, uses the methods of market concentration and complex network analysis, and selects five indicators including market share, HirschmanHerfindahl index, Gini coefficient, reachability efficiency and betweenness centrality to analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and shipping accessibility of Chinas coastal provincial combined ports. The research results may provide theoretical reference for the development of coastal provincial combined ports.
    Construction of Supply System of Highway Freight Transportation Capacity with Chinese Characteristics under Strategy of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization
    SHENG Yukui1,2, XIONG Binhui1
    2023, 23(2):  53-60. 
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    It has a large volume of goods transportation in China, but freight structure of transportation is unreasonable. The scale economic benefit of highway freight transportation is poor, and the organization and management of highway freight transportation is backward, and the cost of highway transportation is high, and the energy consumption and pollution of highway operating trucks are high. In order to achieve high quality development of economy and society, implement the strategy of “carbon peaking and carbon neutralization”, and ensure the security of energy, it is necessary to change supply capacity of highway freight in China. We will promote new energy trucks to replace diesel trucks and gasoline trucks, then improve highway freight transportation equipment. We rely on the shared trailer pool to develop dropandpull transportation, improve the intensity and scale of highway freight transportation, and change the organization mode of highway freight transportation. Based on the development of new energy vehicle technology and the construction of new energy storage facilities in China, we build a highway freight capacity supply system of “new energy tractor + new energy energy storage facilities + shared trailer pool” with Chinese characteristics.
    Environmental Protection Tax,Industrial Agglomeration and High Quality Economic Development
    TIAN Shizhong, JIANG Meng
    2023, 23(2):  61-73. 
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    Based on the latest panel data of 30 provinciallevel administrative regions in China, the principal component analysis method was used to measure the high quality economic development index of Chinas economy, and the systematic GMM method was selected to empirically investigate the impact effect of environmental protection tax and industrial agglomeration on high quality economic development.The results show that: the overall level of high quality development of Chinas economy is flat, and the eastern region is better than the national average, while the central, west and northeast regions are lower than the national average.Nationwide, the narrow sense of environmental protection tax promotes high quality economic development, while the broad sense of environmental protection tax functions instead, and the agglomeration of manufacturing and service industry significantly promotes high quality economic development.The regression of interaction term shows that the deepening of industrial agglomeration and the improvement of regional technological innovation can promote technological progress and high quality economic development.The research has important policy enlightenment for optimizing environmental protection tax, promoting industrial green upgrading, so as to improve the level of high quality economic development.
    Constraint Factors and Improvement of Intergovernmental Contract Governance Taking Daxiangxi Region
    WANG Youyun
    2023, 23(2):  74-82. 
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    Sorting out the major cooperation agreements about public affairs governance signed in west Hunan, the paper refined it into a new way of regional public affairs governance, namely intergovernmental contract governance. The text analysis method is used to analyze the contract text. This paper focuses on the analysis of environmental pollution contract governance in “manganese triangle” region by case analysis. Combined with the case, this paper discusses the multiple constraints of intergovernmental contract governance in practice, in view of these constraints, the paper discusses the institutional arrangement and mechanism design of the effective implementation of intergovernment contract in Daxiangxi region from the aspects of constructing the mechanism of effective execution of contract incompletion, optimizing the application environment of contract, and constructing the effective mechanism of improving contract management ability and execution.
    Reporter, the Professional, Traveler and Emissary A Study of ZHAO Tings Movies
    ZHANG Huaiqiang1,2
    2023, 23(2):  83-88. 
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    ZHAO Ting has won a lot of fame in the world movie field in recent years. The primary reason why Nomadland is universally recognized is that it has always adhered to the creation principle of recording social reality and caring for minority groups. Secondly, her comprehensive command of movie language is the internal reason for her to complete selfexpression and stand out from the worlds young directors. Moreover, the image of “on the road” created in ZHAO Tings movies is the deep reason for her unique artistic style and the failure of marvel movies. Finally, ZHAO Tings successful experience in crosscultural movie creation has an enlightening effect on the international communication of Chinese movies. The reporter, the professional, the traveler and the emissary are not only the characteristics of ZHAO Tings movies, but also the value of ZHAO Tings art.
    On Trauma Writing and Gender Ethics in Purple Hibiscus
    HUANG Xia
    2023, 23(2):  89-96. 
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    In Purple Hibiscus, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shows the clear gender position by trauma writing.With the development line of oppressionawakening and resistance, the novel records the female growth process of the Igbo girl named Kambili from experiencing the domestic trauma and rebuilding her selfidentity. Through examining the living situation of different subjects in traumatic events, Adichie expresses the ethical reflection about the gender ethical order and the power system of Nigerian society: on the one hand, Beatrices resistance actions highlight the social risks for independence, which refers to the fact that females are in a subordinate condition; on the other hand, Eugene who kidnapped by the myth of patriarchy, encounters the anxiety of selfidentity in the process of identity transformation.
    Literature Review on English Translation of Chinese Engineering Technical Standards
    DAI Ruoyu, ZHANG Xinjie
    2023, 23(2):  97-105. 
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    Based on the research on the translation of Chinese engineering standards from 1985 to 2021, this paper finds that there are only a few academic studies on the English translation of Chinese engineering standards, most of which probe into translation strategies and methods for translation problems at the linguistic level, showing a similar research paradigm. This paper attempts to provide new paths for studies on the translation of Chinese engineering standards, and puts forward that the research on English translation of Chinese engineering standards should not only pay attention to the translation quality, but also take social, cultural and translator factors affecting the translation process into consideration. Further research could be conducted from the dimensions of corpus linguistics, translator ethics, aesthetics of reception, imagology and communication studies.
    On the Selection and Influence of Translations in Jiefang Daily During the Yanan Period
    CAO Shunfa, LI Cuiying
    2023, 23(2):  106-112. 
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    During the Yanan period, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established a series of Party newspapers and periodicals.More researches are on Jiefang Daily, with the contents covering journalism, history, philosophy and other fields. However, the study on its translations is by no means enough. This paper examines its selection of source texts from the angles of field, habitus and capital in sociological theory, finding that the power field at that time, translators habitus, and the symbolic capital from celebrities and famous newspapers played a great role in translators choices of source texts. Besides, the translations also had a certain positive impact on the victory of the antiJapanese war and the building of the Communist Party of China.