
Table of Content

    10 December 2023, Volume 23 Issue 6
    The Centennial Exploration, Basic Experience and Realistic Enlightenment of the CPCs Adherence to Self Revolution
    LIU Chunming1, BAO Yuanxin2
    2023, 23(6):  1-9. 
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    Insisting on self revolution is the valuable experience accumulated by the CPC in its centennial struggle. In the centennial process of self revolution, the CPC has faced up to the wrong ideas within the party to rectify and eliminate discipline, attached importance to theoretical learning to improve theoretical literacy, adhered to democratic supervision to answer questions about history, and constantly strengthened institutional construction to build its own defense line. The CPC has adhered to self revolution, always adhered to the combination of theory and practice, insisted on the unity of problem orientation and integrity and innovation, and insisted on the consistency of ideological party building and institutional governance. It has provided experience enlightenment for the CPC to better promote self revolution and comprehensively govern the party strictly in the new era. Facing new challenges and new tasks, the CPC should be more brave to promote self revolution and selfcriticism, continue to improve the cultivation of party spirit, continue to carry forward the spirit of struggle, always put the people first, and continue to lead the social revolution, so that the CPCs fine quality of self revolution can be inherited and carried forward.
    Research Trend and Future Prospect of Ideological Ability in the New Era for Ten years Visual Analysis Based on Citespace
    XIAO Huanyuan, ZHANG Maojie
    2023, 23(6):  10-20. 
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    It is of great significance to further strengthen the construction of ideological capacity to accurately grasp the current situation and hot spots of ideological capacity research in the new era in the past ten years, and to make an objective evaluation and future prospects. Through the latest version of the visual literature analysis software CiteSpace 6.1.R6, 142 journal papers on the study of ideological ability from 2012 to 2022 included in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure ( CNKI ) database were analyzed, and the scientific knowledge maps such as author cooccurrence, institution cooccurrence and keyword clustering were drawn. The academic circles mainly focus on the ideological ability of party and government cadres, the ideological ability of college counselors and ideological and political teachers, and the ideological ability of multiple subjects under the background of new technology. However, the number of existing research results is small, highquality results are not many, research methods are single, research horizons are narrow, and the degree of cooperation and exchange between authors and institutions needs improving. Based on this, it is suggested that in the future, it is necessary to enrich research results, especially highquality results, strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation, broaden research horizons, and apply multiple research methods.
    A Research on the Improvement of the Quality of the Inspection and Supervision in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Full and Strict Governance over the Party
    LI Tianbing1,2, YANG Jifu2
    2023, 23(6):  21-26. 
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    Inspection is a strategic institutional arrangement for promoting the partys selfrevolution and comprehensively strengthening party discipline.It is of great significance for colleges and universities to carry out inspection and supervision to promote the allround development of full and strict governance over the party, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating students, and optimize and improve the internal governance system.Nowadays, the system and mechanism of inspection and supervision in colleges and universities are gradually improved, and the role of the “sword” of inspection is becoming more and more obvious. However, there are still some problems, such as inadequate ideological understanding, unprofessional team construction, lack of effectiveness of inspection and rectification, and difficult social supervision of acquaintances.To promote the highquality development of inspection and supervision in colleges and universities, two ways must be adopted: adhering to political nature, affinity to the people, problem orientation and seeking truth from facts, construction of the practical path of inspection and supervision in colleges and universities from the aspects of thinking transformation, mechanism improvement, mode innovation, team construction, rectification and efficiency improvement.
    Sun Yatsens Thought of Building a Powerful Nation Through Transportation and Its Enlightenment
    LI Qinghui1,ZHANG Siqi2
    2023, 23(6):  27-32. 
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    Sun Yatsens thought of building a powerful nation through transportation is the product of history and times, and the concrete embodiment of his macroscopic thought of looking to the world and revitalizing China. Sun Yatsen wrote three “Plans for the Founding of the Peoples Republic of China” in 1918 and 1919, based on his practical investigations in China, as well as his experiences studying in Japan and traveling in Europe and America. In his second industrial plan, he put forward ten construction plans with the “development of transportation” as the core,which shows that its thought of a transportation power, including overall planning, railway first thought, introducing foreign capital and railway stateowned thought, has been formed, especially the development of transportation, the development of commercial ports, and the construction of railways as the basis for industrial development and the revitalization of the national economy. These words had a profound impact on China at that time, and still have important enlightenment and practical significance for building a powerful country in transportation, promoting urban and rural economic development, enabling people to enjoy good transportation services, and enhancing peopls sense of happiness and gain.
    Impact of the Construction of the New Western LandSea Corridor on the Economic Development of Cities Along the Route
    XIAO Hong1,2, LI Xiaoyan1,2
    2023, 23(6):  33-41. 
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    This paper uses panel data of Chinese cities from 2010—2019 and double difference method to empirically analyze the construction of the new western landsea corridor to study the impact of the construction of the new western landsea corridor on the economic development of node cities. It is found: 1) the construction of the new western landsea corridor has a significant enhancement effect on the growth of real GDP of node cities, but has a significant inhibitory effect on the growth rate of real GDP; 2) the construction of the new western landsea corridor has a significant boosting effect on the real GDP of the cities in the central and western parts of the corridor, and a negative effect on the real GDP growth rate of the cities in the eastern part of the corridor than that of the cities in the central and western parts of the corridor; the construction of the new western landsea corridor contributes significantly more to the real GDP of cities with lower education level than those with higher education level, and has a significant negative effect on the real GDP growth rate of cities with higher education level; 3) there is no spatial spillover effect of the economic development of the node cities of the new western landsea corridor on the neighboring areas.
    Whether Green Finance Has Boosted the Development of Renewable Energy Electricity
    FANG Guobin, WENG Yanni
    2023, 23(6):  42-57. 
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    Based on the panel data of 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions(except Xizang, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) in China from 2013 to 2021, the entropy weightTOPSISgray correlation method is used to measure the green finance index and the development level of renewable energy power, and the spatial Dubin model and panel quantile regression are used to empirically analyze the effect of green finance on the development level of renewable energy power. The study found that green finance can significantly promote the development of renewable energy power in the region, but there is significant regional heterogeneity. It is significant in the central and western regions, but not in the eastern regions. Green finance has a significant positive impact on renewable energy power development in the junior high school, and no longer has a significant impact in the later period.
    Influence of the Allocation of Public Service Facilities on Housing Prices in Chongqing
    WANG Chunyang, ZHANG Zhenyao
    2023, 23(6):  58-67. 
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    Housing price is influenced by many factors, among which the allocation of urban public service facilities is one of the important factors that affect housing prices. It is of certain significance for the government to evaluate the impact of public service facilities on housing price. In this paper, urban public service facilities are divided into six categories, and the secondhand housing prices in nine districts of Chongqing are taken as the research object. The spatial lag model, one of the spatial econometric models, is used to study the spatial impact of public service facilities in different types and regions on housing prices, and the following conclusions are drawn: 1) different types of public service facilities have different effects on housing prices; 2) public service facilities in different administrative regions have different effects on housing prices; 3) the influence of education, cultural and sports services and commercial entertainment on housing prices decreases with the increase of distance; 4) the impact of medical and health services on housing prices is not significant. This paper helps us realize that different kinds of urban public service facilities have different effects on housing prices, which helps housing buyers judge eligible housing prices and locations.
    A Study on the Emotional Turn of Womens National Identity in Border Trade(1992—2022) Field Investigation Based on the ChinaKazakhstan Border Mutual Market
    YU Jieru1,2
    2023, 23(6):  68-76. 
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    Border trade women are one of the main groups engaging in crossborder trade in ChinaKazakhstan border areas. In the course of its development from crossborder merchants to border merchants and online WeChat merchants, the changes in trade spatial path, trade objects and economic interests have led to the “strong weak strong” emotional turn of border trade women towards national identity. Based on the employment characteristics of women in border trade and the reasons for their emotional turn, the article believes that the “Belt and Road” initiative should be taken as an opportunity to strengthen the emotional identity of women in border trade with the country by strengthening the twoway connectivity of border trade, highlighting the subjectivity of border trade between China and Kazakhstan, and strengthening the consistency of “individuals and countries” interests.
    The Development Process and Hot Spot Analysis of the Research on LI Anzhai Based on Bibliometric Statistics of CNKI(1983—2022)
    MA Dongdong
    2023, 23(6):  77-85. 
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    As a profound influence in the history of anthropology and ethnology, LI Anzhais academic thought is worth studying. CiteSpace, an authoritative software in the field of bibliometrics and statistics, was used to analyze 122 articles about the research on LI Anzhai collected by CNKI since 1983. The historical process, current characteristics, hot topics and future trends of the research on LI Anzhai are sorted out and analyzed by drawing the keywords cooccurrence map, clustering map, author and institution cooperation network map and the timeline map of keyword evolution.On the basis of presenting the existing achievements and shortcomings of the research on LI Anzhai, this paper further discusses the possible future approaches and provides a reference for the research on Li Anzhai.
    Rethinking “Literariness” in the PostTheory Era On the Survival of Literature and the Expansion of Literary Theory
    YANG Lingli
    2023, 23(6):  86-94. 
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    Since the 20th century, a series of arguments on terminations have emerged in the field of literary studies, such as “the death of the author” “the death of literature” and “after theory”, which reflect both the anxiety about the survival of literature and the response to the real situation of literary theory and the paradigm shift as well. Through literature review and conceptual definition, the article aims to rethink the term of “literariness” in the posttheoretical era in order to explore possible ways to defend the status of literature and broaden the discourse of literary theory.
    Matter, Space and Myth: The Narrative Innovation of Tokarczuks Szafa
    QIN Cai, SU Zhongle
    2023, 23(6):  95-102. 
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    Polish Nobel Prize winner Olga Tokarczuk is famous for her fiction narrative innovation. She calls her novel narrative “fourth person narrator”. The three stories in the collection the Szafa, namely “The Szafa” “The Room Number” and “The Fall of God”, represent the form and meaning of the “fourth person narrator” that Tokarczuk hopes to explore in the form of the object as a closet, the space as a hotel room, and the mythical prototype of the cyborg program. In the era of the supremacy of technology, Tokarczuks “fourth person narrator” not only constructs the effective innovation of contemporary fiction narrative, but also expresses the problems existing in modern people and the world and its redemption possibility.
    The Duet of Mirage and Reality Research on Medoruma Shun s Novel With the Vestiges
    LI Min, HU Qing
    2023, 23(6):  103-109. 
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    The novel With the Vestiges by Medoruma Shun exposed the tragic fate of Okinawa being “occupied” and oppressed via magical realism and the absurd narration of the mixture of human beings and ghosts. This novel passes on the suffering memories and lonely fate of the Okinawans as outcasts by adopting a textual analysis method and narratives of “I” and the ghost. Through the experience and resistance of “I” and “that person”, the novel shows the history and presents situation of the Okinawans, and expresses the spirit of the Okinawans who are unwilling to yield to their fate and their valuable demands for their own rights and interests. Through the true and illusory nonsense, the writer hopes that the Okinawans can open up their own future by unearthing the history of Okinawas suffering, and conveying the reality of the Okinawans situation.
    Paratexts as Historical Documents:A Study on the Translation of Macartney Embassys Literature Based on Paratexts
    LIU Li1,2
    2023, 23(6):  110-116. 
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    Since the beginning of the Republic of China, there have been over 20 translation works of Macartney Embassys literature, and a large number of paratexts appear thereupon. Paratexts such as titles, prefaces, postscripts, series, and annotations of the embassy literature translation contain rich translationrelated discourse, conveying the changing understandings of history, positioning of translation works, and translation concepts in different periods: the translation subjects view the visit of Macartneys Embassy to China as from British ambassadors audience with Emperor Qianlong to the British embassys observation on Chinese society; the translation works have been regarded as from an example for embassy journal writing to historical research materials in related fields; the translation concepts have shifted from the combination of novel writing and history writing to the pursuit of “faithfulness”. In this sense, paratexts as the historical documents recording the translationrelated discourse can help to understand the historic and social features as well as the norms of translation.
    Cognitive Reconstruction of Regional Writing in Translations of Chinese Literature A Case of English Translation of XUE Mos Short Story “Old Man Xinjiang”
    YANG Jianxin
    2023, 23(6):  117-124. 
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    How to reconstruct regional writing in the translation of Chinese literature, and how to manifest the “Chineseness” of Chinese literature in the great family of world literature, is one of the important issues of Chinese literature translation. The study of cognitive translation focuses on the cognitive reconstruction of crosscultural texts by translators, which provides a perspective for studying the translation of regional writing in Chinese literature. Taking the English translation of XUE Mos short story“Old Man Xinjiang”, we analyze the cognitive reconstruction of regional writing, and find that the translator achieves the cognitive reconstruction of regional physical objects through category intervention and cognitive gapfilling; cognitive reconstruction of characters sensory experience through granularity adjustment; and cognitive reconstruction of characters personalized language through concretization. The cognitive transformation mechanisms and textlevel cognitive reconstruction strategies summarized in the study have implications for both the practice and research of Chinese literature translation.