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    20 September 2021, Volume 21 Issue 5
    A Review of Research on Western Marxism and Economics by Scholars at Home and Abroad
    WANG Qingchao
    2021, 21(5):  1-6. 
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    As a special term, the western Marxism was first put forward by western scholars. Around the attitude of western Marxism towards Marxs economic theory, western scholars have expounded: before the 1970s, western Marxism refused to criticize the capitalist reality from the perspective of economic and political structure, especially despised or even opposed Marxs economic theory. After that, western Marxism began to pay attention to the study of economic issues, committed to the revival of historical materialism. Accordingly, the domestic academic circle also traced the evolution path of western Marxism from “deeconomization” to “paneconomization”.
    Research on the System Construction of Network Public Opinion Guidance for Major Emergencies
    LI Yucai
    2021, 21(5):  7-14. 
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    The construction of the system guided by the network public opinion is the urgent need of reality, the inevitable requirement of history and the inevitable choice of value. Marxist view of public opinion and communication of public opinion provide profound theoretical support. And the characteristics and functions of the system itself provide important conditions for it. The perfect development of socialist system with Chinese characteristics provides basic guarantee for it. At present, we must further adhere to and improve the partys absolute leadership over the guidance of network public opinion, adhere to positive propaganda, on the basis of which to establish and improve the comprehensive management mechanism of network public opinion.
    On the Certification and Design of Law Protection of AI Creation
    ZUO Rongchang
    2021, 21(5):  15-23. 
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    Scientific and technological progress has affected the historical tradition of the changes in the copyright system. But in the perspective of “authorcentrism” theory, denying the copyright attribute of artificial intelligence creations has become its main conclusion, resulting in negative effects that are not conducive to the prosperity of the cultural market and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders effects. Investigating the basic theories of the international copyright protection environment and domestic civil law personality rights, it is feasible in terms of the copyright industry policy, the originality of the copyright law, and granting artificial intelligence limited creative subject qualifications to own copyright. In the design of the copyright system, artificial intelligence enjoys copyright, and all artificial intelligence owners enjoy the proposed guardianship and reasonable remuneration rights.
    Study on the Idea Renewal and Path of Legal Business Environment in the Reform of Administrative Supervision System
    ZHOU Huamin
    2021, 21(5):  24-34. 
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    The reform of administrative supervision system is closely linked to the business environment by law.Under the background of the reform of the administrative supervision system in China, there are few researches on the renewal and diversification of the idea of the legal business environment.With the improvement of the actual effect of administrative supervision, it is necessary to study how to link up the rule of law system and the business environment. From the aspects of legislation, law enforcement, lawabiding, diversified relief, we improve the efficiency of government service,examination and approval, build a comprehensive regulatory system mechanism, and combine the relevant theories of law and public administration,try to achieve a set of institutional paths for constructing a business environment ruled by law.
    A Study on the Relationship between Han Nationality and Minority Nationality in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Southwest Sichuan
    WU Jianqin
    2021, 21(5):  35-40. 
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    This paper discusses the ethnic relations in southwest Sichuan in the Ming and Qing dynasties from two aspects: the first is the relationship between the isolated Han and the latter Han; The second is the relationship between the Han nationality and the surrounding ethnic minorities, thus concluding the characteristics of the ethnic relations in southwest Sichuan. By virtue of its cultural characteristics, the isolated Han nationality maintains the “double” boundary between “our nationality” and “other nationalities”, showing the “fluidity of ethnological realm between Han nationality and minority nationalities”, which provides a new case for how to deal with ethnic relations and protect their traditional culture.
    Editorial Activities and Thoughts of Childrens Theatre Troupe During the AntiJapanese War
    FU Dongsheng
    2021, 21(5):  41-45. 
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    During the AntiJapanese War, the childrens theatre troupe edited books and periodicals such as Childrens Troupe from Shanghai to Wuhan, Childrens Supplement and AntiJapanese War Children, with the keynote of “saving the nation from the war of resistance and uniting against the enemy”, which not only had a great influence in the occupied areas, but also promoted the development of childrens newspapers and books in the Kuomintangcontrolled areas. The prosperity of childrens books and periodicals in China has played a certain role in promoting it. Over the past five years, the editorial ideas of “concentrating on selfpromotion”, “antiJapanese war first, unity first” and “antidictatorship, joint antiJapanese” formulated by the childrens theatre troupe highlighted wartime tendencies and aesthetic tastes, which had certain epochality and reality.
    The Construction of Competitive Industrial Innovation Ecosystem in China --A Study Based on Yunnan Province
    LI Yaling, LI Yuting, LIU Rui
    2021, 21(5):  46-56. 
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    Some problems can be solved by building a competitive industrial innovation ecosystem, improving the innovation ability of the advantageous industrial system, and strengthening the resilience of the regional economy. We established the competitive industry system of Yunnan province by calculating the location quotient, and analyzed the correlation between the competitive industry system and the driving force of industrial innovation by calculating the grey relational grade. It is found that competitive industries are mainly resourceintensive and laborintensive, the main innovation driving factor is the external driving force related to the industrial development environment. Moreover, the comprehensive development level of competitive industries is low and the comprehensive development level of driving force of industrial innovation is unbalanced.
    Research on UrbanRural Relationship: Review and Prospect
    CHENG Ming1, ZHANG Zheng2, WU Bo3
    2021, 21(5):  57-68. 
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    There are three basic theoretical paradigms for the study of urbanrural relationship in foreign countries: urban center diffusion paradigm, rural independent development paradigm, and urbanrural coordinated development paradigm. The domestic academic research on urbanrural relationship focuses on the definition of the connotation of urbanrural relationship, the evolution of urbanrural relationship policy, the development status and response strategies of urbanrural relationship, and the evaluation of urbanrural overall development level. In the future, Chinas urbanrural relationship research will be focused on the basic theory of urbanrural relationship, the specific practice of urbanrural integration development, the relationship between urbanrural integration and other development strategies, the problem of urbanrural “dual structure” breaking and the flow of urbanrural elements, and the research perspective and methods of urbanrural integration.
    Three Fastigiums of XU Zhimos Reception of Influence from Thomas Hardys Poems, and the Causes of Their Formations
    GENG Jing
    2021, 21(5):  69-77. 
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    There is still possibility for more discoveries in the influence from Thomas Hardys poems to those of XU Zhimo. More comparative reading reveals more traces of such influence. After combining these traces with the facts of XUs translation and introduction to Hardy, and also with XUs life experiences, into single timeline, three periods of hightides or fastigiums (1923/24, 1926, 1928) and the causes of their formation can be discovered. Meanwhile, it can also be discovered why XU chose to translate, or accepted influence from certain poems of Hardy.
    An Analysis of Eudora Weltys The Golden Apples from the Practice of Everyday Life
    CAI Tingting
    2021, 21(5):  78-84. 
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    Womens everyday life in private space reveals their state of existence and spatial practices. In The Golden Apples, the single and closed mode of everyday life which Mrs. Maclain, Miss Eckhart and Virgie Rainey experience in private space represented by houses, reflects that women are restricted and alienated by traditional southern culture and power relations. However, their everyday practices are endowed with poetic resistance against oppression. These micro practices, depending on the right moment of seizing the opportunity and lacking an independent space of carrying out tactics, produce a certain effect on the resistance to established mechanism.
    On Cognitive Elaboration of Speech Community Concept Generalization in the Information Age
    DU Xiaohong, YANG Jingran
    2021, 21(5):  85-90. 
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    The concept of speech community originated from Saussures Course in General Linguistics, developed in Bloomfields Language, improved by Labov, Gumperz and Hockett and other linguists. With the rapid development of information technology and the increasingly diverse channels of human communication, the member identity of speech community represents the feature of generalization in spatial and geographical aspects. As a result, the boundary of its concept has been shifting, along with the loss of the original concept boundary and the virtuality of the new concept boundary. The paper firstly recalls the historical evolution of the concept of the speech community, then discussesd the cognitive motivation of the concept of generalization of the speech community from the perspective of Langackers virtual boundary, which aims to enrich the study of the concept of speech community.
    “National Language Capacity” in China: Definition, Status Quo and Reflections
    HUANG Jinyi1, WANG Jinjun2
    2021, 21(5):  91-100. 
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    In linguistic community of China, the definition of “national language capacity” has since long been cumbersome in clarifying the interrelation between nation and citizens and the dealing with the overlapping among classic definitions. It requires review of its denotations and its sub classifications. This paper adopts the redefinition of “national language capacity” as its point of departure and its dimensions and features as the range of literature review, describing the state of art of “national language capacity” in China nowadays. It aims to generalize the contributions and imperfections in this field, and further to give prospects and relevant suggestions. This review shows: first, research in national dimension has succeeded in theoretical planning but not arrived at linking it to the realistic situations; secondly, research in citizen dimension is successful in phenomenal descriptions but have not done a perfect job in unfolding the backgrounded factors. In general, those have indicated a disjunction between the national dimension and the citizen dimension, and an imbalance between theoretical argumentation and realistic resolution.
    A Study on Personification Production from the Perspective of Consciousness Doublet Structure
    LONG Deyin
    2021, 21(5):  101-107. 
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    This paper takes the personification in literary works as the corpus. Based on the theoretical model of consciousness doublet structure (CDS) for speech, it constructs the model of CDS for personification production. On this basis it interprets personification production from the perspective of philosophy of mind. Personification production is inseparable from CDS and the linguistic subjects intentionality. CDS is the key theoretical basis of personification production and the linguistic subjects intentionality dominates the whole process of personification production. Linguistic expression production can be given a new interpretation on the basis of CDS.
    Exploration on the Training Mode of General Aviation Application Oriented Innovative Talents
    DENG Tao
    2021, 21(5):  108-114. 
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    In order to actively respond to the national development strategy of “traffic power” and “civil military integration”, and effectively serve the construction of Chongqing international aviation hub and the economic and social development of Chongqing, general aviation applicationoriented innovative personnel training links are proposed, including the double closedloop collaborative talent training mode, the three modernizations drive personnel training standards, innovative personnel education platform, three in one support system, combined with the school running orientation of the new secondary college of Chongqing Institute of Aeronautics and the characteristics of general aviation specialty, and based on the background of industry education integration and civil military integration. These modes clarify the development direction of general aviation new engineering education and innovative personnel training in the new era, and cultivate international highquality applicationoriented talents with general aviation design and R & D, production and manufacturing, testing and maintenance, technology and management capabilities, then promote the high quality and efficient development of Chongqing aviation industry.
    Research on the Training Mode of Vehicle Engineering Postgraduate Based on Interdisciplinary --Taking Rail Transit Vehicle Direction Postgraduate
    WEN Xiaoxia, DU Zixue, CUI Xiaolu
    2021, 21(5):  115-120. 
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    With the acceleration of the new industrial revolution and the globalization, the society is about to enter the era of intelligent economy. The rapid development of new technology and new industry puts forward new requirements for the knowledge of engineering discipline. Taking the postgraduate training of urban rail transit vehicle specialty in Chongqing Jiaotong University, from the talent training mode, interdisciplinary curriculum system and interdisciplinary guidance team of urban rail transit vehicles, this paper discusses the training mode of graduate innovative talents based on interdisciplinary team to meet the needs of intelligent development of urban rail transit industry.